12/20/20 4:30 PM PST
Greetings Traders!
We are ending the 2020 trading year and it has been THE
BEST and WORST year in the history of the stock markets.
Will 2021 be even BIGGER? The answer to that question
will be answered by this time next year; and we really
do not care so long as we just keep moving in a
consistent direction up or down.
The STIMULUS-COMPOUNDER set records for profits and
percent gains and hands down is the greatest trading
strategy I have developed on this website! If you had
the faith to believe in it from the beginning; and the
courage to let the compound grow, then you were rewarded
with multi-7 figure profits staring with less than
For the coming year, I will be trading this strategy
with a a "LIVE" real money account and utilizing the
aggressive 50% of accumulated profits; compounding to
1,000 contract loads. I hope you join me on this new
journey and we all arrive in the land of 7-figure
profitability by this time next year!
As we head into the end of 2020 trading, there should be
continued momentum higher because the Congress has
finalized the next stimulus COVID-19 relief deal today;
which is definitely BULLISH for stocks.
The wild card is the battle for presidency is still
raging and the growing evidence of widespread voter
fraud is adding fuel to the fire for MILLIONS of Trump
voters/supporters. Rumors are all over the place from
the president implementing the insurrection act,
declaring martial law and using the military to initiate
a re-vote in the battleground states that clearly had
voter fraud or just stepping down and running again in
2024—I think it will all boil down to how the Georgia
runoff election turns out for the control of the Senate.
I am thinking if Republicans win, Trump concedes; and if
there is continued voter fraud, he make the necessary
moves to overturn the results; and the roller coaster
ride in the markets begin—I am anticipating some wild
swings in the markets until Jan 20th, so I will continue
to keep my Lotto Trade PUTS in place every week until
There is going to be a lot of crazy uncertainties as the
government continues to roll out the final phase of the
plan-demic... vaccine (either voluntary or forced
depending on who takes control of the white house) and
whether Americans either line up like submissive antz,
most tend to fight back against what they believe
to be a medical tyranny... only time will tell that
I am anticipating another year of solid moves higher in
the markets,
but will always be prepared for implosion and continued volatility.
Ideally, I would love to see things become normalized
and the VIX drop back to 10 or lower; that way, we can
get the TGIF PAYDAY! strategy cranking again and
accelerate our journey to maybe 8-Figures next year!!
As a trader, I am always on the hunt for news that can
move markets, and I am finding it increasingly difficult
to watch the ridiculously biased POV of the
main-stream-media (MSM) outlets. There is no more fair
and BALANCED information. In fact, there has been a
1000% in-your-face coordinated effort by the MSM, Social
Media, Radio etc. to suppress (even outright BAN speech... in
America?? The land of Free speech???) any news that counters or gives a
different opinion of the MSM narrative—it is enraging to
see this going parabolic on the major networks the past
few months, but it is expected since the Smith-Mundt act was
basically gutted by President Obamma.
Opinions from one-sided propaganda (thanks to the Smith-Mundt
Modernization Act of 2012) are dangerous to your mental
health, but collecting information from multiple sources
and points of view can have a sobering effect on your
common senses!
If you want to see other points of view to help you make
some objective decisions, then try these sources too:
https://www.noagendashow.net/ (excellent podcast and
personal favorite)
(can be a bit over-the-top, but if you compare your own
research, you may find a lot of truth telling here)
www.trump.news (love
or hate the guy, he is still the president of our United
States and should be given the benefit of doubt when
sooooo many are against him... thou doth protest too
much... MSM!)
(good source of alternative points of view)
www.drudge.com (long
history of giving a wide range of information sources)
(used to be "fair and balanced, but I have not heard
that tag line used in a while and their "conservative"
narrative has defiantly changed this year.)
(entertaining common sense)
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas
Holiday season and safe COVID-FREE new years and future
as we start the next trading year or our lives!!
Profits UP!

The don Franko
10/11/20 11:30 PM PST
Greetings Traders!
What a crazy couple of weeks of political volatility we
have experienced in the markets. If you are not dizzy
from the slams-n-jams, then you may want to brace your
self for the biggest roller coaster ride we've seen in
decades as the hotly contested Presidential elections
are about to hit us in 17 more trading days.
The STIMULUS–COMPOUNDER strategy has been an amazing
ROCKET ride even though the past couple of weeks have
been busters. Still, if you have been taking the journey
with me since May, then no matter what compounding
method you have chosen, you should be very happy with
your results!
I just updated the tracking spreadsheets
and was absolutely blown away at the performance of the
aggressive 50% compound rate making a staggering $4
MILLION in profits in just 22-weeks!!!
Even though you may not have the moxie to buck up 50% of
our profits every time, what you can be is confident
that ANY compound method you choose has real potential
to get you to 7-Figures in 12-24 months!
Once the elections are over, the markets will hopefully
calm down, and we can start up the TGIF PAYDAY! strategy
again; and see if that one can take us even
further...maybe to the land of 8-Figure profitability!!
In my estimation, if Trump wins again, the markets are
poised to explode higher; and it has been speculated
that if Biden wins the markets will implode; however, based
on the current plans of both administrations fighting to
provide more COVID-19 stimulus, I think the markets will
rally no matter who wins because both candidates will
have the Congress hit the PRINT MONEY button and Wall
Street knows it and will rise because of it post
elections in my estimation.
Here's the rub when that stimulus comes, it does not
mean FREE MONEY, but instead, it means the US Government
is BORROWING money on behalf of the American people; and
then throwing some of it at us more like a pacifier
(keeps us from burning the house down...know what I
mean?) to impending financial and fiscal doom. What you
need to realize is these "elected" citizens have LOST
THEIR MINDS and just don't care if they SINK this
country; so long as they get their piece of the pie (I
mean iceberg) before the GIGAN-TITANIC deficit swallows up
ALL Americans saved dollars due to inevitable
Here is the latest national debt; which is now more than
2 TRILLION dollars higher than the last time I pointed
it out:

The bottom line is we are headed for a financial black
hole that our children and grand children will be stuck
with; and the majority of a-holes in the Congress and
Senate will be DOA when the hammer falls and Guido comes
collecting on that debt.
The only way to effectively curb the coming cataclysm is
to invest some of your capital in REAL MONEY such as
GOLD and SILVER; because if we go into hyper inflation,
those two proven commodities will be the ONLY things to
keep you even with that hyper-inflation...other than Guns,
Ammo, Water and other necessary survival commodities
desperate people want....lol.
Also, I would consider having some BITCOIN (even is you
have to buy fractionated coins
www.coinbase.com )
because this crypto-currency could (initially) rise MORE
than GOLD/SILVER once the panic sets into the minds of
the masses.
Ok, so if the world doesn't melt down next year, we may
see some unbelievable wealth opportunities come our way;
and you need to be in position to capitalize on them, so
keep working the STIMULUS–COMPOUNDER strategy and build
up your trading account to be able to diversify and
build your generational wealth!

The don Franko
8/9/20 3:30 PM PST
CONGRATULATIONS! If you have been trading the
STIMULUS–COMPOUNDER strategy from the beginning on
5/1/2020 then you have made AMAZING PROFITS UP!!!!!
In fact, if you have been following any of the Model
Portfolio compounding strategies, ALL of them are now
hitting or have exceeded 6-Figures in 14 short weeks
of of trading...MIND BLOWING RESULTS!!$$$$$!!
Pick your compound strategy and start your journey to
the land of 7-Figure profitability in the next 12
Very Aggressive: 50% of each weeks accumulated
profits into the next trade:

Aggressive: Add 1 contract each trade win or

Moderate: Add 1 contract each week win or lose:

Conservative: Buy only 1 contract each week:

Ok, so how do you get in on this action? You simply
follow my weekly trade ideas and let the compounding
method that works for you begin to build your account!
If you have limited capital to start with, then you
could have started with only 1 contract per week (at a
maximum spend of $300) and your results were an an
astronomical 600% ROI on your investment in the past 14
weeks; however, you definitely want to start compounding
as soon as you can to get to that 6-Figure account$$$
The stock markets have done nothing but go UP since the
FOMC announced unlimited QE last month, so you can't
fight the FED and the path of least resistance is most
likely going to continue UP until the Presidential
election is over.
In my estimation, if Trump wins, the markets are likely
to DOUBLE in the next 4-years; and if Biden wins, then
we are in for some potentially HUGE drops because he
(and most Democrats) are anti-Wall Street and it is well
known they want to disrupt it—I do not have an ax to
grind on politics, but from a trading perspective, Trump
has been VERY GOOD for the markets and my strategies so
I would prefer he remains in office another 4 years.
The SPY is fast approaching the COVID–CRASH zone at
339.08; and I am anticipating it will reach that high
this week if there are no negative news stories to alter
the current trajectory.
Last week was very strong for earnings from most of the
Tech/Fang stocks; and if you were fishing for some Lotto
Trades with AAPL or FB; you had the potential to catch a
couple Moby Dicks trades.
I have not been posting any Lotto Trades since I started
the Compounding strategies; however, the formula I teach
did get you in position to make some HUGE profits...you
just need to be proactive in applying it each week and
at earnings time.
I am going to start focusing on weekly Lotto Trades
again with some of my favorite stocks (AAPL, FB, GOOGL,
TSLA, AMZN, NVDA, NFLX, BYND, ROKU, ZM); always on the
hunt for SGB's and new related moves during the week.
The plan of attack is to place orders on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday applying the Lotto Trade formula and
place my "fishing" orders at $0.05 – $0.20 looking for
that pop-n-drop or slam-n-jam trading opportunities each
In fact, if you just focus on 1 or 2 stocks and place
the Lotto Trade orders every week, then in a years time
you are assured to have massive profits built up.
For example, last week, FB was the MOBY DICK
opportunity; and even though I/you missed out on it; you
can bet your bottom dollar this type of move WILL HAPPEN
AGAIN in the next 52 weeks...you just need to start
laying those Lotto Trade orders and CASH IN!
As you can see from these charts below, if you had your
fishing orders in at $0.05 - $0.25 on Wed - Friday then
you would have been filled and made a potential fortune
if you were buying 50-100 contract loads!

Once you start building profits from the compounding
strategies, then you can place orders on multiple
stocks, strikes and prices and catch several trades
taking your account to amazing heights!
Profits UP!

The don Franko
8/2/20 2:30 AM PST
Crazy week of earnings trading with AAPL being the
wildcard Moby Dick Lotto Trade in the last couple hours
of trading.
So far, the new STIMULUS–COMPOUNDER strategy has been growing the
profits nicely, and on Friday, the Model Portfolio has now made
just under 200% ROI in 5 weeks!!

Over the weekend, I made some adjustments to the
compounding spreadsheet and the results are even MORE AMAZING!!
If you started the strategy at just 1 contract; then
added a new contract with each trade regardless of a win
or loss; your current ROI would be $17,000.00!;
however, it took $2,500 in capital before the
compounding kicked in.

If you started the strategy with 1 contract; then added
1 contract AFTER a winning trade; you are currently at
$10,000!—and that took only $1k to get started!

The bottom line is the strategy is working as back
tested and now traded LIVE, so you just need to get on
the road with me and together we can arrive in the land
of 7-Figure profitability together!!
I am currently trading the "LIVE" account with the
aggressive 50% of profits compound method and as we
continue to get more momentum, will ultimately eclipse the other two
compounding methods...especially when we get HUGE
winning days like last Friday!
So, depending on your risk tolerance and capital to
invest, you can choose any of the compounding methods
Ok, changing gears....
The US Debt has grown by nearly 1 TRILLION dollars
since my last update:

This is eventually going to steamroll our buying power
in the next few years due to inflation; even if it
appears inflation is kept in check by the FED (lol) or
even propagandized as "a good thing" for your
future...yeah right...so you have to realize this line
of thinking is BAD economic policy and can only end in
disaster KILLING your BUYING POWER as the US Dollar is
reduced to NOTHING.
Eventually the only way out is a gold standard or crypto
currency scenario, and once this reality wakes up the
masses, we will get that parabolic move in gold
Although the GOLD trades have not worked out so far, I
am confident there will be a parabolic move in the
future, so I plan to continue fishing for those Lotto
Trades and selling Bull Put Spreads to raise capital.
The chart below shows GOLD Futures are testing the SGB
zone, and if it holds 1650, then I will get more
aggressive on Lotto Trades, and if it dips back under
the SGB zone, then I will just continue to sell Bull Put
Sreads because there is definitely going to be a strong
BID under gold to support if from cratering.

Profits UP!
6/8/20 10:30 PM PST
Friday was a massive rally
due to unexpected employment numbers bringing in a lot
more jobs than anticipated. This created some strong
short covering lifting our SPY trade to an impressive
WINNING trade!$$!
I took my profits and then
started the next one; which is currently building
profits as of today.
Now that the NASDAQ market has
taken back ALL of the COVID-19 crash; and is now trading
HIGHER for the year...WOW...you just can't fight the FED
on tech stocks; however, the $DJI has a little more to
go and it too will take out the COVID–CRASH.

The $DJI has continued the climb back to the top of the
mountain and looks like it too will make a full comeback
in the next few week.

So far, the new STIMULUS–COMPOUNDER strategy has been growing the
profits nicely, and on Friday, the Model Portfolio has now made
just under 200% ROI in 5 weeks!!

Over the weekend, I made some adjustments to the
compounding spreadsheet and the results are even MORE AMAZING!!
If you started the strategy at just 1 contract; then
added a new contract with each trade regardless of a win
or loss; your current ROI would be $17,000.00!;
however, it took $2,500 in capital before the
compounding kicked in.

If you started the strategy with 1 contract; then added
1 contract AFTER a winning trade; you are currently at
$10,000!—and that took only $1k to get started!

The bottom line is the strategy is working as back
tested and now traded LIVE, so you just need to get on
the road with me and together we can arrive in the land
of 7-Figure profitability together!!
I am currently trading the "LIVE" account with the
aggressive 50% of profits compound method and as we
continue to get more momentum, will ultimately eclipse the other two
compounding methods...especially when we get HUGE
winning days like last Friday!
So, depending on your risk tolerance and capital to
invest, you can choose any of the compounding methods
Ok, changing gears....
The US Debt has grown by nearly 1 TRILLION dollars
since my last update:

This is eventually going to steamroll our buying power
in the next few years due to inflation; even if it
appears inflation is kept in check by the FED (lol) or
even propagandized as "a good thing" for your
future...yeah right...so you have to realize this line
of thinking is BAD economic policy and can only end in
disaster KILLING your BUYING POWER as the US Dollar is
reduced to NOTHING.
Eventually the only way out is a gold standard or crypto
currency scenario, and once this reality wakes up the
masses, we will get that parabolic move in gold
Although the GOLD trades have not worked out so far, I
am confident there will be a parabolic move in the
future, so I plan to continue fishing for those Lotto
Trades and selling Bull Put Spreads to raise capital.
The chart below shows GOLD Futures are testing the SGB
zone, and if it holds 1650, then I will get more
aggressive on Lotto Trades, and if it dips back under
the SGB zone, then I will just continue to sell Bull Put
Sreads because there is definitely going to be a strong
BID under gold to support if from cratering.

Profits UP!

5/11/20 3:30 PM PST
The NASDAQ market has
taken back ALL of the COVID-19 crash and is now trading
HIGHER for the year...WOW...you just can't fight the FED
on tech stocks; however, the $DJI has a long way to go
to take out the COVID–CRASH.

Can the BULLS keep this
going is the big question and once earnings season is
over, we could see a strong pull back to balance things
out with the DJI.
There is no doubt the FED
is running the money presses at parabolic speed printing
TRILLIONS of dollars; and our political BLEEDERS are
going to just keep BORROWING that FIAT currency because,
well, it is an election year and they do not want to
lose their cushy jobs by pissing off the American people
who have been CRUSHED by this plan-demic, so inflation
be damned and let's ROLL until we hit the ROCK WALL!

You can sell all the numbers here:
Heck, what do the numbers really mean anyway? So long as
we-the-people have our FREE MONEY distributed, we can
all enjoy the cake until we break our teeth off with the
file hidden inside, and find ourselves forever TRAPPED
in bondage and financial slavery to the Federal Reserve
"SYSTEM"!!!—folks, we just cannot make money out of
nothing...somebody has to pay for it eventually or
Capitalism DIES!
Ok, so now that I have my ranting done, I want to point
out that inflation is inevitable, and down the road ,
GOLD/SILVER will make a parabolic move; however, it
has not happened yet, so we are feeling some angst with
our GLD/NEM/GDX trades...for now.
I am keeping my eye on the /GC Futures and will still
keep my bullish bias so long as it trades above the
daily chart SGB zone, If and when the futures should
fall back under, I will still be buying wild card Lotto
CALLS; because I believe that once 1750 is take out, the
potential for a parabolic move is very
high....especially if we suffer a large outbreak of
infections and unfortunate deaths causing another
shelter-in-place event.

In the meantime, you may want to consider selling Bull
PUT spreads on dips under 1650, because I firmly believe
GOLD is going to stick around 1600 or higher for a long
time, and we should be able to collect some premium
along the way to fund our CALL speculations.
Now that the country is pretty much opening back up for
business, the main concern will be a potential
resurgence of COVID-19, so I am expecting some more
volatility to continue and that gives us some
opportunities for wild card PUT Lotto Trades
Profits UP!

4/26/20 3:30 PM PST
Greeting traders!
A busy week
of earnings releases are upon us and that makes for some
good Lotto Trade possibilities!
4/28/20 –
GOOGL (after)
– FB (after), TSLA (after), SPOT (before),
4/30/20 –
AAPL (after), MCD (before)
I am still
laying my GLD / NEM Lotto Trade orders and will continue
to do so because I believe we will not escape inflation;
and that will create a flight to "real money" assets
like GOLD and SILVER; which in turn will create a lot of
DEMAND for the actual metal; putting a strong bid under
the ETF's and gold mining stocks like NEM / GLD as the
chart below shows.
GLD has tested the
multi-SGB zone and held it, so my bias is aggressive
CALLS over $160 and continued fishing on any drop back
to $155.00

NEM has put in two
interesting SGB's the past couple of days and a move
over 65 is aggressively bullish in my mind and below
that I will still keep FISHING for CALLS.

If we do get
that parabolic move started in GOLD, you can bet your
bottom dollar we will see a similar move in these
symbols like we have seen recently in OIL.
If you have
the ability to trade the Futures, then look at getting
on some /GC action; however, if you do play the futures
markets, then you have to have a LOT OF TOLERANCE to
very wide swings in price movement; not to mention a
large trading account because it take a minimum of
$10,000 in equity just to control 1 contract of /GC.
What you can do it use the Future price movements as a
guide to managing your GLD/NEM trades etc. There is a
SGB zone at 1650 - 1700 and there is where the battle
ground will be played out.

What ever spin government
want to put on economic policies is anybody's guess, but
one thing for sure is if we keep printing money
eventually the dollar will spin out of control and
inflation can go hyper creating a panic run on GOLD in
the future...question is, will that be in the coming
months or more like years to play out?
All I know is that markets
move, and when you are in front of that move, the
financial rewards can be enormous so I will keep on
digging for some of that GOLD!
4/13/20 12:15 AM PST
Greeting traders!
First off, I hope and pray that all my subscribers and
students have been safe and well during this COVID-19
world wide crisis; and may we emerge from this a
stronger country and achieve a prosperous and healthy
I hope all of you had a pleasant Easter Sunday and
everything is well with you and your families.
I am anticipating we will be able to start up the TGIF
PAYDAY! strategy as the VIX comes back down to normal
ranges in the next couple of months and maybe we can all
arrive in the land of 7-Figure profitability by the end
of this year if the economy and markets roar back once
the government starts to roll out the economic stimulus
and puts us all back to normalcy.
What a roller coaster of turmoil we have seen in the
markets since the COVID-19 outbreak; and it has been a
horrific experience for many; if not all of us here in
the USA...and world for that matter. President Trump was
anticipating a return to normalcy starting this week;
however, it appears the country is not quite over the
peak of new cases and we are still on hold until the end
of April or May.
The U.S. has more than 530,000 confirmed cases
(surpassing all other countries) of COVID-19, the
disease caused by the novel coronavirus, and more than
20,600 deaths
(may God rest their souls)
according to the latest figures from Johns
Hopkins University—some good news is
more than 32,000 people have recovered and hopefully
many more to come!
This has been a massive blow to the US
economy and millions of peoples lives; that will no
doubt take months if not years to recover from;
one thing is for sure, our lives are going to be lived a
lot differently in the coming months regardless of any
normalcy or uncertainty being announced by the government.
This week, the money from the disaster relief program
will start hitting bank accounts, and that means
SPENDING is on the horizon as millions of American
families will get their first payday in a long time. Of
course, it will not be nearly enough to recoup all the
economic damage millions of Americans have experienced,
but something is certainly better than nothing...we can
all agree on that.
However, as the Federal Reserve cranks up the printing
press and circulates that 2+ TRILLION in bail out
dollars into the economy, the result will no doubt bring
INFLATION in our future; and that is a real economic
burden on savers, bond holders and fixed income
recipients—what we do NOT want to see is hyper-inflation
because rich or poor that will hurt EVERYONE.
What should you do to abate the damage inflation can
bring your way? Investing in "real assets" like GOLD and
SILVER have always been an excellent hedge against
rampant inflation; and that is why I am going to start
focusing on Lotto Trades with: GLD and NEM.
Looking over the chart on GLD, we either have a classic
triple top (in a power multi-SGB zone) or the next
EXPLOSIVE PARABOLIC move is about to happen if investors
figure out the inevitable of all this Fed stimulus
and/or this pandemic goes for another negative turn of

NEM actually went parabolic on Friday; and so long as
this stock holds above the SGB zone at $51.00; I will be
on the hunt for Lotto Trades to the CALL side.

My strategy is this:
1. Each Monday - Thursday I will FISH for CALL options
5% ABOVE the current closing for the next day.
2. I will NOT pay more than $0.20 per contract
and will layer my orders at $0.10 - $0.20 as the week
rolls along if not filled on Monday.
3. I will buy contracts in multiples of 2, and will set
a GTC order to sell half for a DoubleUP!; then let the
rest ride into expiration looking for that news related
parabolic move.
4. As I make profits, I will increase contract loads
layering multiple strikes and prices as I build momentum
by compounding for more profits.
5. On Friday's, if I have not gotten filled, I will
start to buy some CALLS up to 10% OTM just to be in the
game over the weekend and then repeat this process on
Here is how I calculate it:
GLD Last Price = 158.69 + 5% = $166 Strike Price.
The 166 Strike is currently offered at $0.33
My GTC orders will initially be set for $0.20
until I get filled; and then I will automatically place
orders to sell half at a DoubleUP!
The order on Think or Swim looks like this:

Here is what it looks like at TastyWorks:

TastyWorks does not offer opposite orders where you can
automatically sell half once filled, so you have to wait
until you do get filled and then place the order to sell
half for a DoubleUP!...be sure to make it GTC when you
set up the orders.
Earnings season is starting up this week and many of the
major stocks are going to report soon, but until there
is a definite plan to start up the economy and send
citizens back to work, I am not anticipating a whole lot
of action in most stocks; because the numbers they are
reporting are based on sales BEFORE the COVID-19 hit the
markets; and I am thinking no big funds are looking to
put large amounts of capital into any of these
stocks...except maybe NFLX, AAPL and DIS since we have
all been sitting home watching a lot of TV.
There is always the chance we get another massive leg
DOWN if things deteriorate after the "all clear"
announcements from the government come out, so you need
to be watching the DAILY charts for those
SGB's and make your trades accordingly.
Until the VIX drops back under the GREEN line in the
chart below, we are going to have a hard time getting
cheap option prices for the TGIF PAYDAY! strategy. Also,
it means we may need to look at Lotto Trade CALLS / PUTS
10 - 15% OTM buying contracts in multiples of 2; and if
you get filled, then I would be taking half off on any

NOTE: If you have a small trading account, then
continue to be patient and wait until we get rolling
again on the TGIF PAYDAY! strategy. In fact, you should
use this time to continue learning as much as you can in
the training sections so you are better prepared to take
advantage when the country and markets get up to running
speed again.
Profits UP!
3/19/20 1:00 PM PST
Greeting traders!
Markets are still very
unpredictable and with the VIX at record highs, all
option prices are going to remain very inflated.
Because we trade the TGIF
PAYDAY! Strategy based on a strict formula; and max
spend of $0.75 for the SPY and $8.00 for AMZN; we most
likely will not have any TGIF PAYDAY! trades for the
foreseeable future until the VIX returns to sub 15
If you are on the journey
with me to the land of 7-Figure profitability, then you
need to remember we are on a 1-2 year timeline, so
patience is the key, and in the end, we will ALL be
happy with the results.

If you are itching to get
in on some action, then you can consider trading White
Whale and Lotto Trade strategies on the popular stocks
or indexes; however, the cost to enter will be much
higher than normal.
For example, the ATM SPY
CALLS today were $3.77 at the open and are now trading
close to $9.00 for barely a DoubleUP!; which is hardly a
“Lotto Trade” if you know what I mean.

If you want to speculate
on the SPY day-to-day or week-to-week until we can get
back on the TGIF PAYDAY! journey, then you should trade
strikes no more than 5-10% OTM from the previous days
closing price and take DoubleUP! or lower profits and
compound into the next trades.

For example: If you were
to start trading the SPY (or any stock for that matter)
with $200; and go for a 50% ROI each trade; and then
compound 75% of the profits; here is what the potential
can be:

Of course you would have
to be correct 100% of the time, which is highly
unlikely, but you can get the idea here the power of
compounding at a modest 50% ROI. In fact, many times,
some trades would well exceed 100% ROI!—I think the best
time to do this type of speculation trading would be on
Thur and Fri; which is what I plan to be doing starting
Once this corona virus
stuff subsides, there will no doubt be a massive rally;
however, timing it is practically impossible and you can
easily deplete your trading capital trying to do just
that; therefore, you have to just be in-it-to-win-it and
ready to spend until you do catch, but if you have
limited capital, you should wait it out until the TGIF
PAYDAY! trades come back online.
What the future holds for
the markets is anybody’s guess and if you are attempting
to trade the daily moves, then it will be a very
expensive and emotional road for you to speculate, so I
would discourage trying to pick tops or bottoms and
instead fish for very low ball prices ($0.20 or lower)
on strikes up to 20% OTM when there is strong moves
You cannot rely on the
typical technical indictors anymore because they are
based on the past; and now that markets have been
slammed down; taking out multiple years of technical
growth; it will take months of data for technical
indicators to normalize again.
What I do plan on keeping
an eye on is SGB’s, as those have proven to be accurate
indicators in any market conditions.
The $DJI is now trading
at the Trump Bottom from his inauguration day, but the
markets can still keep dropping even more, so do not get
too confident we are anywhere near a bottom; because we
are still in a very contested election year and the
presidents political enemies would like nothing more
than to see the markets drop even more and actually end
the year UNDER 20K on the $DJI possibly ending his
chances for re-election.
If this virus lingers and
death tolls compound, especially in the USA, the markets
can and will continue to suffer; however, there is the
Fed QE buy programs that have started kicking in to slow
down the volatility…or so it would seem; therefore, we
need to keep an eye on the VIX to confirm that
assumption and trade for small gains.
If you plan to sit it
out, then this would be a great time to review all my
training modules and get some continued education,
because when the turnaround in the markets come, it will
be fast and you want to be prepared to catch some of the
massive upside profits coming our way utilizing my

I will do my best to
post my trades as I do them, but you will require a PDT
day trading account; and if you have less than $25k in
your trading account; then you can get a “cash” account
set up to be able to make multiple trades in a single
I hope the best for you
and your families in this uncertain and difficult time.
Profits UP!

1/8/20 2:30 PM PST
Big time volatility this week with the Iranian General
assassination and last nights 22-missle retaliation by
the government of IRAN. Traders and markets have
been on edge, but that just does not seem to matter with
the markets as the buy-the-dip mentality is still
When President Trump announced today in the news
conference there would be NO response from the US
since there were NO casualties in the missile
attack, the markets roared higher; not because it was
business as usual as much as it was just a short squeeze
across the board in my estimation—if you were "reacting"
to this news and shorting, then you are feeling a lot
angst and/or pain today as you were most likely stopped
The nice thing about trading the TGIF PAYDAY!
strategy is we do not get involved in the day-to-day
gyrations and instead, we simply wait to trade the
overall weekly trend on Thursday; and see how things
play out by Friday.
That being said, the overall market trend is remaining
bullish for the first week of 2020 trading and this
current political conflict will keep investors on edge
ready to bail out anytime; however, we are heading into
earnings season; and this could make things a lot more
volatile in the coming weeks.
Even though there is continued middle east conflict,
historically, when wars or rumor of wars on the horizon,
the markets tend to move higher...sad but true.
I would expect more volatility to come from this Iranian
conflict; which has been ongoing between the US and IRAN
for decades and if they continue to seek out nuclear
weapons and/or acquire them, the President has made it
abundantly clear it will be devastating to that country.
So long as we keep making the trend is our friend, we
will have our wining weeks and of course the occasional
losing weeks, but if you are compounding, then you
definitely want to have wildcard PUTS in place even when
the BIAS is to the CALL side just incase something bad
happens in the political arena.
The BIAS this week is
CALLS and hopefully (if
we get filled) the SPY and markets will finish
higher giving us another positive TGIF PAYDAY!
trade to start the compounding!
A couple things to take note of is
this is the 8th trading day of 2020; and so far, the 5th
UP week too—both of which are Fibonacci sequencing which
can have impact on fund managers
quant trading models.
Also, this week is the FULL MOON
cycle which also has shown to have impact from
time-to-time—big money manager traders are known to be
superstitious types; and I have seen some wild moves in
the past when the they are on expiation Friday's.

Profits UP!
5:00 PM PST
Starting next week, the Model Portfolio will be a "LIVE"
real money trading account for all my students to learn
from; and my subscribers to follow along as I hopefully
make the
journey to the land of 7-Figure profitability by this
time next year!
Now that I have proven this strategy works, I encourage
all of you to be patient, consistent and diligent; not
missing a single week of trading opportunities if at all
I am going to apply the aggressive 50% compound rate
and trade
like a ROBOT with ZERO fear; taking my minimum DoubleUP!
profits on 50% of my contract loads each week—I am also
going to keep aggressively compounding until I reach
2,000; and then work on getting to 5,000 contract loads!
If you do not have the tolerance for this much
aggression and potential initial drawdown,
then you can apply a smaller compound rate and still
have the potential to arrive in the land of 7-Figure
profitability within 2 years based on the past
performance of the strategy!
NOTE: Losing weeks are GOING TO HAPPEN, so
you must control your emotions and adjust your contract
loads accordingly until the winning weeks show up and
typically wipe out several losing weeks—it all evens out
in the compounding.
I am funding the LIVE account with $100 - $500 and
trading the SPY first with 1-5 contracts for a
MAX spend of $0.50 per contract.
Once I get to 10 contract loads, I will start layering
and applying the various "tweaks" I teach, but always
maintaining the "core" strategy and compound rate to the
first contract I buy.
Also, I will be adding AMZN once
my SPY profits can pay for a 2-5 contract load; however, if
you have the capital, then by all means, you can start
next week with 1-2 contract loads as I will post the trade
ideas for AMZN too.
I sincerely hope we all arrive in the land of 6-Figure
profitability by June; and then we will be well on our
way to 7-Figures by this time next year!
PS. I am setting up a YouTube channel to broadcast the
actual trades LIVE and will send out the link when I
Profits UP!