AUG 8, 2024 SPX -  Open 5252.57 / High  5328.03 / Lo  5233.85 / Close 5319.31

NO Trades for $1 opening Formula today.




8-8-24 - EOD Lotto Trades - MOBY DICK JACKPOT or cash settlement if you did not take profits.


On some days you can get filled for as low at $0.05 cents and make massive profits; however, you have to be quick on the trigger

and must place sell orders starting at 200% to 1000% ROI because you typically only have a couple minutes before these Lotto Trades close trading.


Once you start building profits, you can begin to multi-strike up to 4 levels and layer orders at varying price points.




Join me on the journey to the land of 7-Figure profitability today!