DEC 23, 2024 SPX  -

OPEN - 5940.25 /  HIGH - 5978.25  / LO - 5902.57 /  CLOSE - 5974.07 +43.22

Today was EZ MONEY CALL Day with SqzPRO indicator giving us the solid BUY BUY BUY signal!

NOTE: When the VIX is trading at 15 or higher, you will need to adjust your max spends up to $2.00 to be able to participate in the strategy. I would still target profit taking at $5.00 in the early rounds until you can compound, then you can layer exits out at higher ROI and catch some momentum like today and hook onto a Moby Dick increasing your overall %ROI gains to acclerate your compounding.

NEVER swing for fences, you do not have to with the SPX, it makes more than enough moves day-to-day to explode your trading account higher!!!


$1 Opening Formula - 5950 5965 CALLS  Multi Strike MOBY DICK up to 17X ROI

I always target Fibonacci "55" strike prices and whole / half number strikes (5500....5550...5600 etc.) more aggresively when comounding.




12:30 PM PST - Quant Pivot lines:  Neutral 5960/70  -  CLOSE - 5974.07 +43.22

Today the 5960 and 5970 CASH settled for HUGE GAINS up to 31X!









Join me on the journey to the land of 7-Figure profitability today!