DEC 3, 2024 SPX -
OPEN - 6042.97 / HIGH - 6052.07 / LO - 6033.39 / CLOSE - 6049.88
$1 Opening Formula - 6050C dropped to the $1 buy price but you had to take profits around $3.50 since it did not make it to the target 5.00.
Once you get filled, if price make a second attempt to rise but not aggresively, close that sukcer and book a ProfitsUP!
12:30 PM PST - Quant Pivot lines: Neutral 6080 / 85 - CLOSE - 6049.88
6050 PUT dropped to $0.10 and went 8x before cash settlement at break even.
6050 CALL got to max spend $0.65 and peaked at $2.20 before closing at zero.