OCT 11, 2024 SPX -
OPEN - 5775.09 / HIGH - 5822.13 / LO - 5775.09 / CLOSE - 5815.03
The $1.00 opening formula - 5825 - 5830 CALLS both surpassed the $5.00 target making up to 1,200% ROI today!
Today was another Multi-Strike Moby Dick Bonanza $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
12:30 PM PST - Quant Pivot lines: Neutral - 5820 /
Because the SPX IV was so pumped up today, the neutral strike was too expensive for the EOD formula; however, the 5815P did drop to .05 and jammed up to 10X in the final minute of trading. However, once you start making profits, you can expand your universe of strikes and max spends to hook onto more Moby Dick trade opportunities!
NOTE: Catching these trades requires consistent order entries "before" the imbalances are released at 12:50 PM PST.
It is mission critical that you place your profit taking orders at the same time (One triggers other "OTO"); otherwise, you will typially NOT be able to react fast enough to catch these last minute micro-parabolic moves.