OCT 15, 2024 SPX -
OPEN - 5866.74 / HIGH - 5870.36 / LO - 5804.48 / CLOSE - 5815.26
The $1.00 opening formula - 5820 PUT - surpassed the $5.00 target making up to 1,400% ROI today!
12:30 PM PST - Quant Pivot lines: Neutral - 5810
Today it was the 5815 CALL that layer filled $0.35 down to $0.10 and then jammed higher into the final minutes up to 700% ROI
This is yet another example of why you must have layered exits when you are running multiple contract loads so you can capture
profits on these explosive final minute moves.
NOTE: As you build your bankroll, you begin to play both CALLS and PUTS into to the close; however, you DO NOT MIX bankrolls, you must run
Calls and Puts on serperate spreadsheets so you can get the compounding working; and over a years time; both sides will make massive ProfitsUP!