OCT 25, 2024 SPX -
OPEN - 5817.80 / HIGH - 5817.80 / LO - 5784.92 / CLOSE - 5809.86
The $1.00 opening formula - 5870 CALL - Hit the $5.00 target!
5865 C Parabolic WINNER 550% ROI
The 5820 PUT went SUPER Moby Dick up to 20X ROI!
12:30 PM PST - Quant Pivot lines: Neutral - 5815 / 5810
Today the 5805 PUT dropped to $0.65 then shot up to over $3.00 before going back to zero at the close.
When the opening trades makes HUGE profits, you should consider layering strikes for the EOD trades and spend more for the strike ranges and
capture BIG GAINS like today turhed out to be into the closing bell.
Join me on the journey to the land of 7-Figure profitability today!