OCT 3, 2024 SPX -
OPEN - 5698.19 / HIGH - 5718.78 / LO - 5677.37 / CLOSE - 5699.94
The $1.00 opening formula 5745 C did not make it to the $5.00 target, but if you are compounding contracts then you
definitely want to layer exits to capture positive progression on your ProfitsUP!
The $1.00 opening formula 5740 C did not make it to the $5.00 target, and you had to pay up to $1.50 to participate; however, that is the ultimate goal as you compound. You want to multi-strike and layer entry and exit prices to capture consistent ProfitsUP!
12:30 PM PST - Quant Pivot lines: Neutral - 5685 / H1 - 5695 / H-2 5700
10-3-24 5700 C - Up to 40X but ZERO if you did not have profit taking orders in place.
This is a perfect example of why you MUST have profit taking orders in place,
especially when you are running multi-strikes and compounding contracts.
10-3-24 5695 C - Up to 16X or 4.94 cash settlement.
10-3-24 5705 C - Up to 14X or ZERO because SPX only reached 5703 before closing under 5700
When fishing for $0.05 entry prices, you should always have take profit orders automatically placed at 500% - 1,000% ROI so you
can capture the final minute(s) of volatility.
Join me on the journey to the land of 7-Figure profitability today!