OCT 4, 2024 SPX -
OPEN - 5737.48 / HIGH - 5753.21 / LO - 5702.83 / CLOSE - 5751.07
The $1.00 opening formula - There were no strikes that fit the formula on PUTS, but later in the early afternoon, when the markets
put in a double bottom, there were multiple strikes that fit the formula and made Moby Dick gains
The 5740 and 5745 CALL strikes were the Moby Dick trades today on the $1.00 formula strategy.
12:30 PM PST - Quant Pivot lines: Neutral - 5740 / H1 - 5750 / H-2 5760
10-4-24 All the QP Line strikes hit their buy targets early today so there were no closing Lotto Trades.
The 5740 and 5745 CALL strikes were the Moby Dick trades today on the $1.00 formula strategy.