OCT 8, 2024 SPX  -

OPEN - 5719.14 /  HIGH - 5757.60  / LO - 5714.56 /  CLOSE - 5751.13


The $1.00 opening formula - 5755 AND 5750 CALLS both hit the $5.00 target and higher!







12:30 PM PST - Quant Pivot lines:  Neutral - 5750  /  H1 - 5755-5760  / 

IMPORTANT: When the SPX is close to a "whole" or "Fibonacci" number "55"  (e.g., 5700  or 5755), I am trading those strike prices every time!


  5755 CALL strike was a 13X Moby Dick trade with layering exits; othwerwise, it crashed back to ZERO by close...EXACTLY WHY you layer ProfitsUP!