JUL 30, 2024 SPX

Today SPX price stopped EXACTLY on my SGB zone both top and bottom swings!!  PROOF POSITIVE you must learn how to interpret them

 in my member training series and draw them on your daily charts.

The volatility today made a DoubleUP! Moby Dick winners on both CALLS and PUTS!!



5400 - 5415 PUTS made Moby Dick LOTTO TRADE Profits UP!




5440 - 5450 CALLS made Moby Dick LOTTO TRADE Profits UP!


Super SPY-SPX multi-strikes can make you a   MILLION DOLLARS IN ONE DAY!!! 

Here is an example of what a DoubleUP! day can do when you compound your profits from on side into the other side!

Now you take 50% of your profits and load up the other side and today you became a MILLIONAIRE!

There is NO LIMIT on how many contracts you can purchase when trading options on the SPX!