12/1/21 8:00 AM PST
Greetings Traders!
Markets are very volatile this week with the FOMC chair
Powell testimonies. Yesterday, he made the comment that
he was removing the word "transitory" and confirmed we
are in an inflationary period that was "faster" than he
expected...duh <8-0.
Well, that caused a panic and the markets dropped
dramatically only to be bought again and now breaking
out to new all-time-highs.
With the economy on the comeback trail, and the FED
getting ready to ease off the money printing machine,
stocks will most likely pull back NEXT year; however,
for this month the markets are looking like they just
want to grind it UP into the end of the year!
I do not anticipate Powell will say anything today to
upset the markets again so be ready with your fishing
orders and may the rally continue!
I will have more updates later in the week.
Profits UP!

The don-Franko
6/19/21 4:00 PM PM PST
Greetings Traders!
did not get filled on last weeks fishing orders, and as
I suspected, the SGB zones I have been pointing out the
past few weeks proved to be the SHORT opportunity as the
markets were slammed this week and today was a big gap
down right to the first three SGB’s zone.
Take a look at the SPY
daily chart below and you can clearly see how the SGB
zones are the pivot points for trading action and price
targets. Today is also triple witching expiration and
that is the catalyst that created the gap down action
today. Going forward from here, we will see if next week
these SGB zones are the final test and a bottom gets put
in place for the rest of the year (we be rich by
December if that is the case!) or all these SGB’s are
the “TOP” and we just keep diving lower and have to
change the SC bias to PUTS.
All the “technical”
indicators the masses use are loudly proclaiming a much
bigger drop is in the future, and if you take note of
that triple-gap starting on 3/31/21, then you can assume
those will be filled in the future; because it is widely
disseminated that
So, where can the SPY
ultimately drop to? For me, that answer is always in the
SGB zones and the next one is around 390 on the weekly
chart (noted by the dashed green lines on the daily
chart) and if we end up there in the next few weeks, it
will be blood-in-the-streets time for whales like Buffet
What I am planning on
doing is “fishing” for lower strikes and prices on CALLS
looking to hook on to a Moby Dick if/when the SPY hits
the GAPS and/or SGB zones below.

I also look at the WEEKLY
chart SGB zones as target strikes when I trade Butterfly

6/1/21 3:00 AM PM PST
Greetings Traders!
Wow, this past week has
been quite interesting as there has been a lot of bounce
activity within the SGB zone on the SPY daily chart so I
did not initiate any SC trades.
Some things to point out
here is the unusual trading activity I spotted
yesterday. If you take a close look at the SPY daily
chart, you can see the hanging man (SGB) DOJI back on
4/29/21 that started all the selling put in a “high” of
$420.72. Well, yesterday, we get another SGB and the
“high” was also $420.72—when you see anomalies in prices
like this…they are “code speak” to insiders in my
experience and I have seen some of the biggest moves in
price shortly after these happen.

The weekly chart also has
some interesting things going on which is why it has
been very difficult to get any trades to work out with
all this whipsaw volatility.
The tombstone SGB DOJI
from the week of 4/26/21 is being tested this week, and
if it holds, then we should see new all-time-highs next
week. On the other hand, if these SGB zones are the
market TOP for the rest of the year, then we may see a
very large implosion back down to the gap at 400-405.

These are very pronounced
candlestick patterns indicating a large move is coming
soon. The question is, what will that move be? Well,
history has shown us that SGB’s in up trends and
channels are predominantly SHORT opportunities, but you
have to realize that the Federal Reserve is “buying” up
the markets, so any downside action will definitely be
mitigated; making it very difficult to get short trades
to work out so you need to have reasonable profit
targets and GTC orders waiting.
All week I have been
attempting to short trades with NO success; even my long
trades have been lacking any real
meat-on-the-profits-bone so you need to have fishing
orders in at least 50% below the current price you think
you should be trading at and let the volatility work in
your favor with profit taking orders at 100% ROI.
Going forward with the SC
strategy, until I see a clean bounce off the current SGB
zones, I am sticking to (1) contract loads and will
lower my MAX spend to $2.00; buying strikes no further
out than 2 handles from the current price—if the prices
are higher than the max spend, then you place GTC
fishing orders.
Profits UP!

The don Franko
4/25/21 3:00 PM PST
This week is
going to be BIG earnings with all the major stocks
Tomorrow is a
FULL MOON, and I have seen some of the BIGGEST moves in
stocks during the Full Moon cycle, so get your wild card
Lotto Trades on and we may just hook onto a couple Moby
Dick trades this week!$$!
Some of the
the things I have noticed as I previewed the charts over
this weekend, is most of them are at all-time-highs and
the markets are trading sideways; which indicates a
measured move is coming soon.
This past
week, the Biden administration announced plans to raise
capital gains taxes, corporate taxes back to at least
pre-Trump drops and a lot of regulation changes to
support the usual agendas of "were all gonna die"
climate propaganda.
If PBJ's
proposals are adopted by Congress, and they hike taxes
(duh...that's what Dems do), then it is going to have a
negative impact on stock prices overall because many
valuation models are based on corporate tax rates and
fund managers will be forced to adjust their multiple
calculations; therefore, they must sell and/or do some
heavy rotation from high flyers to bellwether stocks.
I believe
that is why we are already starting to see a change in
upward momentum on the tech and COVID runners as they
have been trading in a sideways movement across the
board. Also, if you are looking at your daily charts,
then you want to keep a very sharp eye on how your
stocks are reacting to the 12/31/20 close; as that will
be the pivot point for the movers and shakers in most
stocks—the portfolio managers, fund mangers etc.
We do have to
keep in mind that the Federal Reserve WILL continue to
support the markets, and there is no doubt PBJ and the
Democratically controlled government will just keep on
printing money to shore up any potential panic
scenarios; however, what they cannot control is
inflation, and that is what's coming. Once it does
arrive, it will rapidly start compounding and WILL CRUSH
your wealth if you are a saver—YOU MUST BECOME AN
Because there
has already been trillions of dollars distributed in the
first quarter, and soon the government will start
spending, along with the economies opening back up, a
lot of money will come into the hands of Americans and
they will be looking to spend or invest it. In the past,
the average investor would buy real estate, but that
market place has hit parabolic levels and is pricing
average Americans out of the game, so the only place
left to take some risk and get some rewards is the stock
markets—where do you think a lot of that stimulus money
is headed?
The other
place that the younger generation investors will
stampede into is crypto, but that requires an iron
stomach if you are older, and the risk reward there is
all but maxed out for the major crypto assets; leaving
only the tokens for total Vegas style gambling
trades—young investors can afford to take ridiculous
risk, and their meme is YOLO (you only live once), so if
they die in their investing speculation, they have a lot
of years to recover.
Over the
weekend, I have seen info that Wall Street Bets is
attempting a coup move on squeezing (GME style) Silver.
Now if they can get a a very large following to actually
buy SILVER FUTURES and DEMAND physical delivery, then
SLV, /SIL, /SI will go parabolic and explode silver
prices to the moon!
I have been
trading silver and gold futures for years, and I can
confirm that these markets are 100% being manipulated,
and prices are artificially being held down; therefore,
I plan to start accumulating some Futures and ETF's
because I want to be way ahead of the potential tsunami
if the squeeze begins in May.
Ok, so what
are you going to do if you are in the older generation
or approaching your senior years like I am? You are
going to be in the land of 7-Figure profitability with
me if you are following along with the
Stimulus-Compounder and TGIF PAYDAY! strategies!
If you are
looking for some quick action trades, then we do the
Lotto and White Whale trades during earnings and on Thur
and Fri expiration.
Soon I will
be releasing my new SUPER SPY X strategy that
will blow your mind$$$$$$.
I developed
the strategy a couple months ago, back tested it, live
traded it with a simulator, and now I am currently
trading it with a live REAL MONEY account. So far, I am
running at a 100% WIN rate and making 150-250% ROI 3
times per week!
Here are the
live trade results to date:

Here is
the projections at my current trajectory:

At current performance, I anticipate reaching 6-Figures
in 15 more trades!
Details on how to implement this will be coming soon!
Profits UP!

The don Franko
4/11/21 2:00 PM PST
season begins this week and that provides for some great
Lotto Trade opportunities!! I am expecting some solid
moves in many stocks now that the stimulus money has
been distributed, states are aggressively opening up
their economies and several large spending bills are
coming our way. All this activity means a lot of money
will be moving around and the bulk of it will be in or
end up on Wall Street; which translates into higher
stock prices!
Top stocks to
watch are: AAPL, AMZN, GOOGL, FB, SHOP to name a few as
well as transports, tech and post pandemic sectors like
retail, staples and travel et al.
Be sure to
review the training module on Lotto Trades so you are
prepared to get those orders in and catch some Moby Dick
White Whales this season!
If you are
trading the Stimulus-Compounder strategy, the "core"
strategy is finally back in the green and the 50% ROI
has been running on all cylinders motoring its way down
the road to the land of 6-Figure
profitability—potentially arriving in the next 18-25
I have some
exciting news coming as I have been developing a new
day-trading strategy I will call SUPER–SPY–X!
This strategy
is the TGIF PAYDAY! on steroids and literally has the
potential to make 6+ Figures in less than 3 months;
starting with as little as $55.00!!!
I have
completed the back testing, live simulated trading and
now I am finishing up on "real money" trading before I
release the full details in on how to execute this new
strategy in a few more weeks.
Profits UP!

The don Franko
3/12/21 11:45 AM PST
What an amazing week we
had for the strategy and what a BUMMER I put in a profit
stop loss and was ROBBED because the next day the news
of the stimulus bill passing congress came out and the
markets roared to new all-time-highs exploding those
options to over $9.00 bucks! If you were still in your
trade I hope you took those Profits UP!

Even though I missed out
on a HUGE winner this week, I still made an over profit
on both my trades so as long as I keep doing that I will
arrive in the land of 6-Figure profitability anyway! The
challenge for now is the main Model Portfolio is still
at 1 contract so I do not have the ability to take half
off and let the rest ride for the time being; however,
the 50% ROI Model Portfolio is starting to compound
Now that we have the
stimulus bill signed into law and the 1.9 TRILLION (fake
fiat) money will be hitting bank accounts starting next
week, we should see continued upward momentum in the
markets; however, you can never be 100% sure of anything
with trading, so I am still going to pick up some PUTS
as a “hedge” for next week. If we keep moving on up, the
compounding will wipe out all the PUTS that have been
bought in a few weeks and exciting things will begin to
happen with your trading accounts!

The weekly chart tells a
different story with that DOJI SGB and the solid bounce
off the 12/31/21 close. Until we get back into the
long-term momentum channel, the SPY is vulnerable to
more downside potential so that is why I am keeping my
PUT hedge plays on.

Have a great weekend!
Profits UP!

The don Franko
2/19/21 11:00 AM PST
Greetings Traders!
Earnings season is winding down and also the increased
volatility. The past couple of weeks we have had some
smaller moves in the SPY; which is making it difficult
to get some larger gains going and therefore, it will
extend the amount of time it is taking to get the
compounding started.
Since my last comments, and the adjustment I made, we
have had two successful trades at the 50% ROI, so if we
can maintain this trajectory, then good things are going
to happen in a couple of months!
The SPY is still holding onto it's up trending channel;
however, I have some concern with all this sideways
trading since the last SGB was put in back on 2-11-21.
Since markets are at all time high's, there is always
the possibility of a correction and/or profit taking;
and earlier in the week it was announced that Warren
Buffet and other large hedge fund managers were taking
some of their profits on AAPL and other holdings. That
is most likely the reason we are seeing diminished
momentum this week.
I am a little bit concerned to see AAPL trading below
the 2020 close; and as you can see, there was an SGB
before it began selling off. Do not ignore SGB's on
daily charts when you seen them at highs...they are
proven to be significant indicators of coming moves.

The coming stimulus is going to be a strong bullish
catalyst for the markets, and that is expected to pass
in a couple more weeks, which should continue to put
some support under the markets. Once we know exactly how
much Americans will receive, and when it will be
disbursed, the markets should have a strong upward
reaction; therefore, I am still trading with a CALL
bias, but this week I am going to add some hedge PUTS
since the SPY is stuck in a SGB zone.
I also want to buy ATM strike prices whenever possible
only looking for the 50% and 100% ROI exit points with
each trade. When you are just starting out with 1
contract, I strongly suggest you stick to the 50% ROI
exits and always place your GTC order to sell after you
are filled so you can catch any potential price spikes
on a given day—there is no need to try and maximize any
single trade with this strategy because the power is in
the compounding, and that is when you can begin to layer
entry, exits and multiple strike prices; which will
accelerate your journey to the land of 6 and then 7
figure profitability!
When you are picking PUT strikes, it is always the best
idea to be at or slightly above a previous SGB zone
because most of the time, when a stock pulls back, it
will head right into a SGB zone and on the daily chart,
the best strike is the 385-387's.

1/31/21 2:30 PM PST
Greetings Traders!
What a crazy first month of trading for 2021 with
ridiculous volatility due to massive short squeezes with
AMC, GME, KOSS and others has kept the SC strategy on
the ropes for the time being; however, once a trend is
put back in place, we will forget all about this first
The first two week of PBJ's administration has created
some uncertainty as he has literally gone off the rails
with executive orders in his fervor to change all of
Trumps executive orders and install democratic draconian
policies. As their policies roll out, we will have a
definite move in the markets and then some consistency
should kick in with the SC strategy.
In the past 8 months, the strategy was producing well
over 100% ROI each week but now with the turmoil and
possible change in bias, we may need to back off our
target ROI and just go for 50% until we get some profits
built up. Once we start compounding, then we can
diversify with layering and multiple exit points each
week. In fact, if you were to capture a 50% ROI each
week and compound at the 50% rate, you can potentially
achieve 6-Figures in 26 trades! Of course, that is
predicated on having a successful trade every week, and
based on last years results, the strategy hit 50% every
So, for now, I am going to start buying in with 2
contracts and put in a GTC order on 1 for a 50% ROI and
compound that on a separate spreadsheet so I can start
build up some profits and accelerate the process until
the full compound at 100% ROI or higher kicks in. If you
have limited capital then stick to the basic 1 contract
and just compound at 50% ROI because, as you can see,
even that gets you to $10k in as little as 15 weeks.
Then you can diversify and increase contract loads and
exit points.

Another thing to point out is if you are doing HEDGE
trades with PUTS, then you should compound those trades
on a separate spreadsheet too.
Profits UP!
1/17/21 12:30 PM PST
Greetings Traders!
Are you ready for a new president? Come Wednesday, we
are either having a new one or potential revolution
erupting... NOT gonna happen in DC with 30,000 US
Troops. Hmmm, sure appears those "elected" politicians
must really fear the people ;-)
Ok, so once Biden is officially "the Prez", then the
money printing will begin and that should fuel the
markets higher; hopefully keeping the bullish trend
going, and if we are fortunate enough for this to
happen, then I fully expect the Model Portfolio to reach
6-Figures by June!!$$!!
As the political turmoil progresses, there should be
some continued uncertainties; therefore, I would
definitely keep some PUTS and PUT SPREADS on with strike
targets at or just above any SGB zones on the daily
Earnings season is starting and there should be some
wild moves to make some excellent Lotto Trade
opportunities. My plan is to have wild card PUTS up to
20% OTM on my basket of stocks I like to follow and I
will post those trades when I place them.
First up is NFLX on the 19th, then AAPL, FB and TSLA on
the 27th then AMZN on the 28th which are all during a
Full Moon cycle—you can keep an eye on the
earnings calendar
for trade ideas.
I am working on updating the training material for the
Stimulus-Compounder strategy and will be adding more
ways to capitalize on it as we begin to compound the
contract loads. The amazing thing about this strategy is
how quickly you can get up to speed; and once you reach
your desired contract loads; the profits just keep
growing and growing; easily eclipsing any potential
losing weeks the come our way.
January is looking to be a very unpredictable and the SC
Strategy is struggling; however, once the markets find
their lane, we can accelerate our journey to the land of
6-Figure profitability so stick with the strategy and
keep your initial contract loads to a minimum until we
start catching the coming winners!
Profits UP!

The don Franko
1/10/21 12:30 PM PST
Greetings Traders!
Crazy town has arrived at the Capital of the United
States and something is amiss indeed! If you were
watching the MSM, then you are definitely NOT being told
or shown the whole truth of what happened in DC with the
MAGA rally and the disastrous chaos the unfolded—it
definitely resembled a classic
False Flag scenario in my estimation!
Once the president began his speech, the massive crowds
(easily 750k - 1M, but the MSM never did wide shots or
aerial coverage) were upbeat, cheering and excited about
their support of the president and this historic event.
After president Trump finished, he asked the crowds to
march (in peaceful fashion) to the capital building as
show of solidarity over the coming electoral college
confirmations, but then chaos was already afoot as
detractors (ANTIFA, BLM, Insurrection activists et. al)
were already there, very organized, and acting in
precise unison as they began to infiltrate the (LACK OF
POLICE STRONGHOLDS) capital building and occupy the
halls of Congress.
I watched several news sources and noticed a definite
(pre-planned) effort by the DC / Capital Police to
literally stand down and actually "OPEN" the fenced
barricades and encourage people (alleged Trump
supporters) to enter the Capital inner ground and then
the building? HUH???
Once these mixed-brood of both legitimate Trump
supporters and malicious operatives entered the capital
building and halls of congress, the mayhem both inside
and outside started to go parabolic. There were several
people literally climbing the walls, breaking windows
and attacking police etc.
No matter what side of the political spectrum you are
on, it was indeed a sad day in our Country; and I can
only hope cooler heads prevail; because this can easily
escalate into a very bad situation for all of us in the
long term.
As the events of the morning began to unfold, the
markets were basically trending sideways and slipping
lower, so I jumped on some SPY PUTS, and then, as if I
controlled the stock market universe, all selling
STOPPED, and the market started to edge higher???? This
clearly shows you that markets are 100% CONTROLLED and
Here were my trades:

I initially stuck to my convictions and held the
position; even though it was literally cut in half in
minutes; but I could not imagine the markets would not
implode with what was going down in DC... I was
definitely WRONG on this one!
Then, once I heard the news of gunshots erupting, the
selling kicked in and I was looking to cash in on this
trade, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I am the king of trading
and the options literally peaked at the high just after
I bought. I attempted to exit this trade at that peak,
dropping the
BID $0.50 and I could not get filled on my limit order!—this
is why placing market orders on options can be a
disaster as they WILL slam bids and take you out MUCH
Once I realized the markets were not going to drop, it
was too late in the day to recover, and the BID was
racing back to the lows so I capitulated
taking a hefty loss on this trade!!!
In fact, by the end
of the trading, those options even closed EXACTLY where
I was trying to exit???#@#!#$@#%@#%$!!!
I MUST say, I have been in literally thousands of trades
just like this, and YES, the trading platforms (ALL OF
THEM) will manipulate your orders, increase spreads and
flat out TAKE YOU OUT to their benefit!—it is all part
of the game of day trading so you just have to suck it
up and keep in the fight or flight—BEWARE and learn from my EXPENSIVE
As the events continued to unfold, the markets ended up
closing HIGHER??? I tell you, NOTHING is going to bring
these markets down!

The GOOD news is just before all this mayhem hit, I was closing out the
first SC Trade for the DoubleUP!, and by the end of
trading, it closed at nearly a 200% ROI...WOW... and if
we gap open on Monday, it can be even higher. If you
are still in this trade, then you could have a massive
gain; however, anything can happen, so if you
concentrate on taking DoubleUP! profits in the early
stages, then, as we begin to compound, we will "layer"
our entry and exit prices and catch these moves with
some of our contract loads; because they will happen
several times in the coming weeks!

If you got filled on the next SC trade idea at the 382
strike, then you have profits already building too!

I did get filled on the 382's in one of my accounts at
$3.00, but I was unable to get filled in my others and
had to move up one strike and bought in the after hours

I also attempted to buy them in my Robinhood account
after the close, but was never filled...most brokers
will trade SPY option until 1:15PM, but Robinhood
doesn't, so be aware of that if you trade there—once you
start compounding, I would NOT trade at Robinhood... it
will potentially cost you thousands to save a few bucks
on commissions.
We still have 10 days to the inauguration ceremony and
CRAZY TOWN could snowball as the political mud slinging
has turned into a surreal Knives Out movie scenario;
with the DEMS, MSM and Social Media all out for blood
with anyone who doesn't buy into their narrative.
I fully expect the markets to just continue rising, but
I will also have PUTS in place just in case BAAAADDDD
things happen in the next 10+ days and markets actually
run for the exits.
I pray the next 10 days are peaceful, and all of us as
Americans can come together and begin to rebuild our
great country, ideals and futures.
Profits UP!

The don Franko
12/30/20 5:30 PM PST
Greetings Traders!
Are you ready to make 2021 you BEST YEAR EVER!?!
Tomorrow is the first STIMULUS-COMPOUNDER trade and I am
very excited to see how things progress in the first
quarter of 2021. There is still a lot of turmoil with
the elections, COVID and the economy, so be prepared for
some wild swings as we get started. Also, the Jan
earnings season will be starting up, and that is sure to
have some impact; however, if we get similar results in
the first quarter like we had in the last quarter of
2020, then we may very well be at 100 contract loads by
April–which means life changing profits week-to-week.
Now that we have the new stimulus package confirmed and
signed into law, there should be continued momentum in
the markets which means we are sticking to the CALLS
as the core BIAS for now and adding hedge PUTS as we
begin to compound.
Over the weekend, I was able to review all the trades
from this year, and I will be applying some adjustments
now that I have the data to confirm my suspicions.
First off, we will still maintain the MAX spend at
$3.00 on the initial trades; however, as the VIX
comes down, we can also get filled at LOWER prices too.
In fact, based on the data from 2020, we could have been
filled for $2.00 74% of the time and at $1.50 44% of the
time. That means, we can effectively "layer" our orders
and begin to maximize the compounding as we build up
contract loads going forward.
You need to remember, this is a momentum based strategy
week-to-week, so once you start, you should stay in the
game every week to maximize the compounding and catch
the BIG moves from time-to-time—even if you have to
re-invest a few times... it will be worth it a year from
Besides, where else can you take a few hundred
dollars and build it to 6 maybe even 7 figures in 1-2
years or less?
The average profits over the past 32 weeks were
approximately 135%+ EVERY WINNING TRADE! and an 80%
WIN RATE...WOW...and a few times we got a Moby Dick
of 400% -778%!!! Therefore, we need to just
concentrate on the DoubleUP! in the first few
weeks, and once the compounding begins, we can sell 75%
and let the rest ride.
For this year, as I build up the contract loads (10+), I
will start implementing my other strategies like: Lotto
Trades, Spreads, Hedging, Strike and Price Layering to
increase profits and accelerate the journey. I will be
using a portion of the profits to keep wild card PUTS in
play each week up to 15 handles OTM; as this will
protect the CALL trades in the event the markets implode
(if they ever do) and break even if not make even MORE
For example, the SPY closed today is at 371.00, and when
you look at a weekly chart, it has dropped as much as 20
handles in 1-2 days. So, if you were to buy some wild
card PUTS 15 handles OTM with 5 days to expiration, they
would cost approximately $0.17 per contract... cheap

Now if you want to go the full expiration cycle with the
CALLS, then it begins to get expensive because those
options are $1.18 per contract. The remedy with these is
to do a $5 wide BEAR PUT spread for a $0.34 debit to
lower the cost down, but maintain enough of a spread to
at least break you even on the CALL trade should the
markets implode by expiration.

My plan is to always invest the entire $3.00 each trade;
however, I want to try and divide the money up and buy
my CALL strike for $2.75 or lower and spend the
remaining $0.25+ on the directional PUTS that
expire 5 days out. I want to have at least 2:1 in PUTS
over my CALLS, and after I am at 10+ contract loads,
then I will start doing the BEAR PUT SPREADS for the
full expiration cycle too.... paid for by PROFITS.
Ok, so now you have to decide what compounding method
you want to go with that best fits your risk tolerance
level. Any one of them you choose will ultimately get
you to the land of 6-Figure profitability; however,
based on the first years results, the +1 each trade or
50% compounding of profits has the potential to get you
there in 2-4 months.
If you are just starting this strategy with a limited
bankroll, then you can put in GTC orders for 1
contract at $2.00; canceling by Wednesday if
not filled. Otherwise, you need to commit to the $3.00
max spend to assure you are filled each week and begin
compounding after a couple of wining weeks.
Of course there are NO GUARANTEES this strategy
will perform at the same or even similar results going
forward, but all systems are GO, and we will let the
trend be our friend to the end!
I hope all of you benefit from this awesome strategy in
2021 and build your accounts (at your pace) to new
Profits UP!

The don Franko