Entry is Key...Exit is Everything! TM


The trades below are for educational purposes only.

They are not recommendations to purchase any particular stock or options contract.

Note: they are suggested entry and exit points! disclaimerNOT Financial Advice for educational purposes only.




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Updated 9/4/22


Current Trade Idea

IV%: 25.98%

MM +/- 9.55

VIX: 25.47



Long Term



Trade BIAS:








MP Risk Tolerance: VERY Aggressive 50% Compound Rate



Click HERE for full 2022 STIMULUS–COMPOUNDER spreadsheet results.



NOTE: when applying a compound rate, you need to consider your tolerance to initial draw down until you start to capture winning trades.

Once you have profits building, you can survive multiple losing weeks and still keep building your contract loads into the hundreds and then thousands!


Beginner = Flat bet 1 - 2 contracts each week until you have 5 consecutive winners...then you start to compound your contract size.


Conservative = +1 contract ONLY after each winning trade.


Moderate = +1 contract with each trade regardless of a fill or loss.


Aggressive = 25% of profits from the last winning trade.


Very Aggressive = 50% of accumulated profits from the last winning trade reinvested into the next trade—the STIMULUS–COMPOUNDER Model Portfolio


Any compounding method you choose has the potential to get you to land of 6-Figure profitability in 1-2 years, so be patient and CONSISTENT each week, and I will see you there!




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Sent: Friday, August 26, 2022 5:19 PM
Subject: FINAL UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder for 8-26-22 and 8-29-22 expirations! MOBY DICK WINNERS!

Greetings SC Traders!!!!!

 Moby Dick showed up today on the SPY and the markets were crushed after Fed Chair Powell finished his comments…WOW!

 This weeks 419 PUTS went parabolic and closed at the HOD—MOBY DICK STYLE!!! WOW $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


The Monday 8-29-22 PUTS may go super sonic if you still have layers on, but you should definitely taken profits today on some and/or all.



 I did not initiate any new SC trades today due the extreme volatility and the smack-down the SPY took—PUTS are way over priced for now.

I want to see if we get a bounce or potential Black Monday even before I start the next SC trades next week.

Have a great weekend!


Profits UP!




Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 12:24 PM
Subject: UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder for 8-26-22 and 8-29-22 expirations! BOTH WINNERS

 Greetings SC Traders!

CHA-CHING at the open!!$$!!

Both the 50% and 100% ROI PUT locked in their targets and still going for more 😊.




 I was filled on the CALLS at the open and not liking those so I am looking to add a layers or buy into a lower strike after I see how the SPY trades at the current SGB zone into tomorrow.


If you did not get the CALLS orders in, then I would wait and/or fish strikes down to 418 or lower.

Profits UP!




Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 11:26 AM
Subject: NEW Trade Ideas for Stimulus-Compounder for 8-26-22 and 8-29-22 expirations!


Greetings SC Traders!!

Interesting week of trading with the SPY struggling to gain higher ground post FOMC news on Wednesday. Today the SPY is trading inside the WSB and failed to take out the 200MA that I pointed out a couple of days ago, so I am anticipating a measured move in the coming week. Since the majority of post WSB’s are down, I am going to start with PUTS today and fish for CALLS into next week. If the SPY does manage a bust-out rally over the 200 MA, then I would be looking to add size to my CALL positions.


 As for downside target strikes, the SGB zones are your best spots to be in, so that would be 410 – 415, and for the Lotto Trade, down to 405’s. However, markets always “want” to go higher; and the FED is still there with QE, albeit a lost less in 2022; and more hawkish with continued indication they will keep raising interst rates to slow down inflation—I expect them to announce they will STOP raising interest rates as we get closer to the elections in November.


Good info on Fed policies: 




 50% ROI 419 PUTS 8-26-22 Expiration $3.00 MAX Spend

100% ROI 418 PUS 8-29-22 Expiration $3.00 MAX Spend



 50% ROI 421 CALLS 8-26-22 Expiration $3.00 MAX Spend

100% ROI 422 CALLS 8-29-22 Expiration $3.00 MAX Spend



Profits UP!



Sent: Monday, August 15, 2022 1:07 PM


 Hi Lotto Traders!

 I am speculating on a few CALLS and PUTS since the SPY did not take out the 200 MA today.

 Will see how things trade tomorrow and will make another trade decision. 

If you follow along, you still have until 1:15 PM PST to buy SPY options; however, these trades are 100% speculation and most likely expire, so only trade Lotto plays with profits from other trades and never swing for fences.


Profits UP!



Sent: Monday, August 15, 2022 11:00 AM
Subject: UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder trade ideas for 8-19-22 and 8-22-22 expirations!

 Greetings SC Traders!

The SPY is only a few more handles away from hitting the 200MA, so I plan to start looking for some trade opportunities at the end of today or tomorrow; however, there is an interesting candle on the daily chart that I have not seen for a long time on the SPY…a WHITE solid bar (WSB); which has me a bit perplexed on what the MM’s are indicating. I have seen these more often on smaller time frames in the past; they usually indicate a top is imminent; so I am paying close attention to price movement at the 200 MA, and if the SPY fails to close over it, then I will start buying some PUTS and fishing for some White Whale PUT strikes (on an expiration days) up to 15 handles OTM or down to the next SGB zone at 400 – 410.



These WSB’s are “rare” to see, and usually indicate a “TOP” is in place, with downside coming…especially if there are “SGB’s” that preceded them.

Here is what I could find in past daily charts:






As you can see, these are rare and several years apart.

Only one time (back in 2007) did the markets go higher, so either this current one is the launching pad (once the SPY gets over the 200MA) or look out below if the SPY fails to close over it.

Time will tell this story, but we can be better prepared if we keep an eye on price movement with this current WSB!!


Profits UP!



NEW Stimulus-Compounder trade ideas for 8-19-22 to 8-22-22 expirations!

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 4:07 PM
Subject: NEW Stimulus-Compounder trade ideas for 8-19-22 to 8-22-22 expirations! 

Greetings SC Traders!

Sorry for the late updates, but I was away from the computer all day today and unable to get the emails set up in time; however, you should be well on your way to following this proven formula whether I send out trade ideas or not…my job is to teach you how to fish vs. providing the fish know what I mean?

 Ok, so this past week was a rocket ride on the CALLS, and with the SPY gapping over the SGB zone from the surprise CPI report, we may have even more upside coming for the rest of the year.

 Well, that would be correct in a perfect world; and we all know there is NO PERFECT WORLD when it comes to the stock markets!

 What we do have is probabilities, opportunities and most importantly, executing a trading plan-of-action for any scenario the markets throw at us.

 Looking over the SPY chart, you can see it is in striking distance of hitting and/or taking out the 200 MA, so I would expect some action there early next week and if it is the “top”, then a drop back to the next SGB zone at 410 – 400 would be assured; otherwise, the upside SGB zone is all the way up at 450.

 The question here is whether the big money is risk-on or is this just a Bear-Market-Rally?—I say you let the SGB zones be your arbiter on that 😉.  


Since the SPY is coming off a stellar week on the CALLS, I decided NOT to buy in today on SC trades and will wait to see how the SPY trades at the 200 MA before I put on the next trades.

Have a great weekend!


Profits UP!




UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder 8-12-22 and 8-15-22 expirations!

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 3:46 PM
Subject: UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder 8-12-22 and 8-15-22 expirations!


Greetings SC Traders!

If you were working the SC formula for this weeks traders, then you easily got filled on Friday or Monday this week and banked some HUGE profits!!

On Friday the 8-12-22  417 Strike was the sweet spot closing at $2.35 and easily reaching the 50% ROI and well beyond.


The 4-15-22 100% ROI trade was reached yesterday and today another HUGE winner


Profits UP!



Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 12:59 PM
Subject: NEW Stimulus-Compounder Trade Ideas for: 8-5-22 and 8-8-22 Expirations!


 Greetings SC Traders!

Another awesome week for the CALLS with huge gains…congrats if you are in your trades!!!

The SPY is currently in the final SGB zone that has to be taken out to clear the path for higher ground so since that is the case, I am giong to buy small today and fish for lower entry/strike for Mon-Tue on the 100% ROI. CALLS.

I will fish for PUTS too and buy smaller contract loads as well.

You still have until 1:15 PM PST to buy SPY options.

50% ROI  

8-5-22 410 PUTS -- $3 MAX






Profits UP!




Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 3:14 PM
Subject: MORE UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder 7-29-22 and 8-1-22 expirations!

Greetings SC Traders!!!

CHA-CHING! The CALLS have both hit their ROI targets this week and looking like they will continue to climb higher if you are layering your exits. If not, no worries, as long as you keep your trajectory on target, then the compounding will take you to the land of 6-Figure profitability soon enough 😉!!!

 Tomorrow will be the next setup entries, and if the SPY clears the last SGB zone at $410-413, then its game on for the rest of this year, and the CALL model portfolio will catch up to the PUTS YTD performance!!





 Unfortunately, the 100% ROI PUTS got close but will end up expiring; which is a good lesson to be learned…if you are close to the 100% then either take it or at the minimum put in a stop loss at breakeven. Either way, over a 1-2 years timeline, the compounding will wipe out all losses and grow your accounts.



50% ROI was hit but if you did not have your GTC order in then they too will expire…put in your sell orders!


Profits UP!


Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 6:03 PM
Subject: UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder 7-29-22 and 8-1-22 expirations!


Greetings SC Traders,

 The markets are pulling back ahead of the FOMC rate announcement tomorrow at 11:00 AM PST.

 www.forexfactory.com   great resource to know when market moving news is getting released.



 The 7-29-22 389 PUTS have reached their 50% ROI targets and I closed out of 9 of them 😊 

 Keeping 1 layer on for the potential parabolic moves after the FOMC tomorrow.


 The 8-1-22 388 PUTS did not reach their 100% ROI target yet, but If I am close again tomorrow, I will take at least half off in the morning ahead of the FOMC announcement at 11:00 AM PST; otherwise, I am in for the ride to expiration.

 Here was my buy FILL yesterday:


Here is the chart action today:


 I layered the 8-1-22 400 CALLS and was filled on another one today.



I cancelled the $1.00 fishing orders on the 2-29-22 399 CALLS since there were not filled by today and have my GTC sell order in on the other positions I was filled on.

For the 50% ROI CALLS, I have my GTC sell order in at 50% ROI on 9 of them.

 Here was my buy fill yesterday:



We should see some action the rest of the week post FOMC and get some good opportunities on both sides of the SC trades, so be sure to have your sell orders in place or you will miss out on volatility moves that can hit your ROI on both sides.





   Friday 7-22-22  12:54 PM    


Greetings SC Traders!



The past couple of weeks have been awesome as the SPY has been on quite the rise into the current earnings season. The big SGB zone on 5/20/22 has been take out, and the SPY is currently trading in the next one from 5-10-22 between 395 – 406.


Since the SPY has risen all week, I am going to “layer” my entry points and divide up my contract loads anticipating a potential pull back on Monday.



Here are the trade Ideas for next week…You have until 1:15 PM PST to get your orders filled.





Profits UP!





The don Franko





   Friday 7-22-22  10:16 AM - UPDATES    

MORE UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder trade ideas for: 7-22-22 and 7-25-22 expirations!



Greetings SC Traders!



This week, the 50% and 100% ROI CALLS have made amazing profits, quickly reaching their ROI targets; and if you are layering, then you have booked some very nice additional gains!


If you are just starting out, no worries, the road to 6-Fgiures is assured as long as you take your profits and begin to compound!!!




The 100% ROI trade does not expire until Monday 7-25-22; however, you ALWAYS take your 100% ROI on your initial positions, and if layering, you should take more off at each 50% level reached. That way, you keep the compound trajectory at maximum velocity, and when we get these types of moves, we accelerate the journey!!



I am preparing next weeks trade ideas and will send out the email soon.







   Tuesday 7-19-22  10:33 AM    

MORE UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder trade ideas for: 7-22-22 and 7-25-22 expirations!


Greetings SC Traders!


The roller coaster is back in action and so are the SC CALLS!


The 389 CALLS for 7-25-22 hit the 100% ROI target today!


If you are trading 1 contract, then take your profits and move on down the road until you are compounding, then you can layer exits and accelerate your journey to the land of 6-Figure profitability 😉.




Earnings season kicks off today with NFLX and others, so if they beat this time, markets could continue higher and take out the overhead SGB zones at 395-405; however, if earnings reports come out negative, then the PUTS will come back online and reach their targets too; otherwise, we just keep on moving down the road with the trend and build our accounts.







    Friday 7-18-2022  8:19 AM    



UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder trade ideas for: 7-22-22 and 7-25-22 expirations!


Greetings SC Traders!


50% ROI Target reached on the 7-22-22 387 CALLS at the open...CHA-CHING!








For the  100% ROI 7-25-22 389 CALLS, I almost got there, so I am going to place a STOP GTC at $2.00 for now, and if it gets hit, then I will reassess the trade.





Will be holding onto the PUTS with no stop for now.









    Friday 7-15-2022  12:52 PM    


NEW Stimulus-Compounder trade ideas for: 7-22-22 and 7-25-22 expirations!


Greetings SC Traders!



Coming off a stellar week on the PUTS which more than paid off the CALLS was amazing!! Sadly, this weeks 50% ROI CALLS will expire but we still have the potential for Mondy’s to come back to life and maybe make a break even.


The SPY is currently trading in a sideways pattern in between two SGB zones; which makes for a difficult decision on where  to enter trades. That being said, I will be looking to trade both CALLS and PUTS today; however, I will still do lower contracts and look to “fish” for better entry/strike prices on Monday.


For the 50% ROI Model Portfolio:


387 CALLS 7-22-21 Expiration MAX $3.00 or lower


380 PUTS 7-22-21 Expiration MAX $3.00 or lower


For the 100% ROI Model Portfolio:


389 CALLS 7-25-22 Expiration MAX $3.00 or lower


379 PUTS 7-25-22 Expiration  MAX $3.00 or lower




Note: If you cannot get filled then you DO NOT TRADE and just wait for Monday to see if better price/strike comes.


ALWAYS have your GTC sell orders in at the 50% ROI and/or 100% ROI.


Have a great weekend!






PS – you have until 1:15 PM PST to make your trades on the SPY at most brokerages.





Sent: Friday, July 15, 2022 12:31 PM
Subject: MORE UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder Trade Ideas for 7-15-22 and 7-18-22 expirations!

Greetings SC Traders!

 Well, I certainly hope you TOOK YOUR PROFITS on this weeks PUT trades; as they are now closing on the lows from a stellar rise to as much at $14.00!!



You should have also taken your profits on the Monday 7-18-22 expirations as they went parabolic too and are getting wiped out.

Remember, we are only looking to capture 100% ROI which will make your rick in a year’s time so you do not have to “swing for fences” on a single trade, just let the compounding work its magic and you can begin taking layers off to maximize your gains :-).


Hitting white whale trades like these are part of the process and exciting, but if you do NOT take your profits along the way, then you will never have enough contracts to layer and catch them….know what I mean?

Even if you missed this one, there is always another one coming, so continue the journey and build your contract loads!!!

See you in the land of 7-Figure profitability!





    Tuesday 7-12-2022  11:58 AM   


MORE UPDATES for Stimulus-Compounder Trade Ideas for 7-15-22 and 7-18-22 expirations!


Greetings SC Traders!


Tomorrow is the CPI report and could easily move the markets in a big way up or down, so if you are layering your exits on the current trades, then consider taking more profits off the table today on this Friday 7-15-22 expiration—which already hit a 100% ROI today.




For the Monday 5-18-22 expiration, I did take profits off the table yesterday by mistake, but you can’t go broke taking profits right?


I am still holding onto my last contract to see if it goes parabolic after the CPI report tomorrow; however, if you are just starting out with (1) contract, then consider taking profits by the end of the day if it gets anywhere close to the 100% ROI target…there is always another winning trade coming 😉 .




Be sure to log all your trades and stick to the compounder spreadsheet which will take you to the land of 6-Figure profitability faster than you think.








    Monday 7-11-2022  12:34 PM   




Greetings SC Traders!!!


I have already hit my ROI targets on both PUT trades, so I sold 4 of my 5 contracts and will keep the last on into their expiration dates for potential parabolic moves!!


As for the CALLS, I suspected we may have hit a headwind due to the multiple SGB zones above, so I am considering adding more tomorrow or Wednesday, but with expiration days further out based on the formula so I have more time to get to the desired %ROI goals.


My closed trades today:




385 PUTS 7-15-22 Expiration:




382 PUTS 7-18-22 Expiration:





I updated the website over the weekend with the YTD result for each Model Portfolio and the results are staggering!!!!


Remember, we trade a formula with a fixed %ROI target.


Based on the documented history on the website, if you trade this strategy like a robot, let the spreadsheet do your compounding, catch the parabolic moves with layering,  then you can see how powerful this can be for your financial future!!!







    Friday 7-8-2022  12:11 PM   



Greetings SC Traders!



A solid week of ProfitsUP! for both Calls and Puts!!$$!!


With the SPY testing overhead SGB zones, I am suspect it can continue to climb higher, so I am going to buy less CALL and PUT contracts today and “fish” for lower strikes/prices on Monday.



Remember, no more than 5 strikes/handles OTM on 50% ROI and 7 for 100% ROI with a MAX Spend of $3.00 or less for optimal results.


50% ROI CALLS – JUL 18, 2022 – 395

 50% ROI PUTS – JUL 18, 2022 – 385


 100% ROI CALLS – JUL 18, 2022 – 395

 100% ROI PUTS – JUL 22, 2022 - 382






Be sure to place your GTC sell orders at your desired ROI targets; and if you are compounding; layer exits to catch parabolic moves…BUT TAKE YOUR PROFITS to continue the journey to the land of 6-Figure profitability!

 I will update the website over the weekend with YTD Stats on the SC Trades and my technical analysis too.

In addition to that, I am almost done with the Super SPY-X training modules and will be releasing that as soon as I can.


Have a great weekend!






The don Franko



    Thursday July 7,  2022  10:27 AM   


Greetings SC Traders!

We have more WINNERS on the CALL side!

I closed 8 of the 7-8-22 384 CALLS for better than 50% ROI and holding onto 2 until tomorrow for the potential parabolic move 😉

I sold 8 of the 7-11-22 384 CALLS for more than the 100% ROI and holding onto 2 for the parabolic moves into Monday. 









    Tuesday July 5,  2022  11:07 AM   



Greetings SC Traders!

 Well, this year the markets turned down post 4th of July and the CALLS are getting smacked; however, both PUT expirations are WINNERS at the open!

I still have 2 contracts I am holding onto to see where they can go for the week.

KEY TIP: Always put in your 50% and 100% ROI sell orders so you can catch the quick moves and lock in your profits. Once you are compounding, then you can layer exits and accelerate your journey to the land of 6-Figure profitability!

 Here are the charts:


7-08-22 Expiration



7-11-22 Expiration



Now that the CALLS are on the ropes for now so I will be looking for the next entry point to “layer” my positions with a LOWER strike price and longer expiration cycle once I see how the SPY trades today. Since we have multiple SGB zones starting at 380, it is going to take a strong catalyst and very positive news to get the SPY moving back over 390, so if the negative news continues to unfold, the next SGB zone is 370 then as low as 355.

If you are just starting out with 1 or 2 contracts, then NEVER chase a losing trade, there are plenty of winners over a 52-week period to erase all losing trades once you start compounding. The best approach is to be patient and keep working the formula so you can “layer” exits and add contracts with profits, that way, you can recover faster when there are losing trades.

IMPORTANT: Keep your CALLS and PUTS on separate spreadsheets and compound them independently to maximize your long-term results and compound growth.

KEY TIP: Always put in your 50% and 100% ROI sell orders so you can catch the quick moves and lock in your profits. Once you are compounding, then you can layer exits and accelerate your journey to the land of 6-Figure profitability!

Here are the CALL Charts:

7-08-22 CALLS Chart:


7-11-22 CALLS Chart: 


Profits UP!





The don Franko




    Friday July 1,  2022  12:07 PM   




Greetings SC Traders!



The markets are looking good for a post 4th of July rally; and with the VIX coming down of recent highs; the option prices are getting into range for the SC Formula!


There are some BIG SGB zones to contend with, so my expectations are mixed.


Historically, the SPY rallies post 4th of July, and has moved as much at 16 handles in a week, so if that be the case, we can get our 50% and/or 100% ROI profits early next week! 😉


My bias is CALLS, and that is where I plan to buy in today, but I will “FISH” the PUTS at the end of the trading day and see if I can get a cheaper price or better strike.


Typically, I prefer to wait until 12:50 PM PST (after the buy/sell imbalances are released) to make my buys, but with momentum already picking up as we head into the final hour of trading, the CALLS will be pumped up, so I recommend trying to fish for better entry prices.


Here are the current suggested strike prices for today’s trade ideas:



Remember, we trade no further OTM than 5 handles and a MAX spend of $3.00 or less.


Although my bias is CALLS, we still have a lot of issues underfoot with economic turmoil, war in Ukraine and a hawkish FED, so do not get overly bullish and NEVER bet the farm on any single SC trades—you should ONLY be increasing your size with profits and let the compounding take you to the land of 6-Figure profitability in 1-2 years!



Here is the DAILY chart on the SPY:



There are multiple SGB zones to contend with above us and that will keep selling pressure in play until they are taken out.


If the markets head lower, then the next SGB zone is 355-360.


Squeeze PRO indicator is still in bearish momentum, but selling pressure is lightening up for the time being. 


The SPY is in a Level 1 Bull 180 setup that already hit T3 and is now testing T2 again.


Any negative news over the 4th of July weekend can easily drop the SPY down and head right to the SGB zone with a target of 355.


Remember you run CALLS and PUTS on separate spreadsheets and never mingle the trading capital…let them compound on their own merits for optimal results long term 😉


Make sure you stick to your 50% and 100% ROI targets and if you are already compounding, then you can begin to layer out exits for the potential parabolic moves that come along.



Hope you have a great 4th of July weekend!!



Profits UP!





The don Franko




    Friday, May 27, 2022  12:58 PM   




Greetings SC Traders!

Markets ending the week up strong into the holiday weekend and looking good for a nice move higher next week for the beginning of June trading.

I am going to start a couple of positions on both CALLS and PUTS and will be adding to the winning side next week after the FOMC news comes out.


I bought the following: 

409 PUTS  expire 6-3-22

BOT +5 SPY 100 (Weeklys) 3 JUN 22 409 PUT @2.79

418 CALLS expire 6-3-22

BOT +5 SPY 100 (Weeklys) 3 JUN 22 418 CALL @2.94

 You have until 1:15 PM PST to place orders on the SPY.

 Have a great weekend!


Profits UP!





The don Franko



    Friday, May 20, 2022  12:16 PM   



Greetings SC Traders!



It is blood in the streets for the markets this week and that is when you begin to take the other side of the trade (Warren Buffet thinking); however, I have not seen the “capitulation” type moves and that indicates there is still more opportunity to go down than any meaningful up moves in my estimation.


In my analysis of the SPY chart, you can see my long-term trending channel from the 2009 bottom until now and that shows the SPY is trading back in that channel and is on track to take back at least 55% of the COVID bottom so there is still plenty of down side that can come for the rest of MAY—this year was definitely a sell-in-May-and-go-away!








On closer inspection you can see the COVID bottom to the top was 21 months (Fibonacci) and we are now in the 5th (Fibonacci) month of selling!


Today the SPY has stopped EXACTLY on my SGB zone; which I have documented is the Keys-to-the-Kindom for technical analysis 😉.


The next SGB zone will have the SPY trading around 355-360 and that is where I am anticipating the capitulation bottom will be—that is also the bottom of the long-term channel from 2009.







The SPY will in the 8th “week” of selling and about to touch the mid-line of the long-term channel and that is where I am thinking there will be a short-term bounce we can exploit for a good SC CALL trade; however, the options are currently priced too high for the SC formula on CALLS and PUTS, so I am NOT putting on new trades today, but will be watching for an entry point for CALLS in the coming week.

Have a great weekend!



Profits UP!





The don Franko




    Friday, May 20, 2022  11:47 AM   




Greetings SC Traders!


Another volatile week in the markets and the PUTS have hit their profit targets; however, the CALLS just missed theirs for the 50% ROI; but we still have potential for some upside action by Monday.



390 PUTS 50% ROI – WINNER!




386 PUTS 100% ROI – WINNER!




Congrats if you have the PUTS!



Profits UP!





The don Franko




    Friday, May 13, 2022  12:54 PM   

Greetings SC Traders, 

With the markets in a strong over sold territory and sticking around the current SGB zones, I am going to start a trade and see if I can catch some momentum into next week.


Today is Friday the 13th and Monday is a FULL moon so there could definitely be some BIG moves coming.


I am doing both CALLS and PUTS, but lower contract loads for now.


50% ROI - MAY 20, 2022 410 CALLS FOR $3.00 OR LESS


100% ROI - MAY 23, 2022 – 412 CALL FOR $3.00 OR LESS




50% ROI - MAY 20, 2022 390 PUTS FOR $3.00 OR LESS


100% ROI - MAY 23, 2022 386 PUT FOR 2.75 OR LESS



NOTE: you still have until 1:15 PM PST to place trades on the SPY options.



    Friday, May 6, 2022  11:54 AM   

Greetings SC Traders! 

Crazy volatility from the FOMC news had the Super Spy-X strategy kicking in HUGE gains up to 2,900% Wednesday!

However, with huge volatility, the SC options are priced too high today for our MAX Spend at $3.00 and no further OTM than 5 handles—if the strike and prices do not meet the formula, then you wait until they do.

That being said, I will not be buying any SC trades today and will see how the markets start trading next week before I attempt to fish for the next one.




    Wednesday, May 4, 2022 1:25 PM   


Greetings SSX Traders!

WOW…those 425 CALLS peaked at a whopping 2,900% ROI if you were able to hold into the close; and that is EXACTLY what I have been talking about as you implement this amazing strategy and can hold some contracts all the way to end of trading!


 I took my profits at a whopping 600% ROI, and although it pains me to see a missed opportunity, it excites me MORE that this strategy is going to bring us 6-Figure days in the future as we compound and can hold onto more and more contracts.—THERE IS ANOTHER ON JUST LIKE TODAY COMING!!

 Congrats to any of you who got on this gravy train today, and if not, there will be another one coming Friday!

The KEY here is placing those orders and “letting” it happen vs. trying to wait to see it and attempting to make it happen.



    Wednesdayy, May 4, 2022 12:02 PM 

I was filled again at $0.10 on the 405 PUTS after the FOMC announcement news was released.

I was filled on the 425 CALLS for $0.15  600% ROI!!

I also bought the 428 CALLS prior to FOMC announcement for the wild card and closed for small gain.

All my  PUT trades are paid for and I am net positive on the day.


 Hope you are doing well!






    Wednesday, May 4, 2022 9:36 AM 


Greetings SSX Traders!

 I was filled on the 405 PUTS at $0.15

 Still have the other order in place.

 Will look to get at least a 200% ROI on this one.


    Wednesday, May 4, 2022 8:52 AM 


Greetings SSX Traders!


I was not filled this morning and I cancelled ALL orders.


I will be adjusting the strike range down to 5 handles or less and continue with my fishing orders at a MAX spend of $0.15 or less.


421 on CALLS - $0.15 or lower


410 on PUTS - $0.15 or lower


I will fish for the following wild card strikes for today’s expiration in anticipation of a large move after the FOMC announcement at 11:00 AM PST.


425 CALL  - $0.15 or lower


405 PUT - $0.15 or lower





I am expecting some wild moves after 11:00 AM PST today.



I will still be watching for FRIDAY expiration 333/34 CALLS and 390/95 PUTS at $0.21 or lower


Profits UP!


The don Franko





   Wednesday May 4, 2022 8:52 AM 

Greetings SSX Traders!

 I was not filled this morning and I cancelled ALL orders.

 I will be adjusting the strike range down to 5 handles or less and continue with my fishing orders at a MAX spend of $0.15 or less.

 421 on CALLS - $0.15 or lower

 410 on PUTS - $0.15 or lower

 I will fish for the following wild card strikes for today’s expiration in anticipation of a large move after the FOMC announcement at 11:00 AM PST.

425 CALL  - $0.15 or lower

 405 PUT - $0.15 or lower



I am expecting some wild moves after 11:00 AM PST today.

I will still be watching for FRIDAY expiration 333/34 CALLS and 390/95 PUTS at $0.21 or lower

  Profits UP!


The don Franko




    Tuesday, May 3, 2022 5:34 PM 

Greetings Super Spy-X Traders!


Tomorrow is the next interest rate hike announcement from the Federal Reserve, and it is expected to create some wild swings in the markets.


I am going to place some orders tonight across several strikes on CALLS and PUTS to see what I can get filled on at the open.


I will cancel all unfilled orders around 7:00 AM and then wait for the next timeline (9:00 AM PST) to set up more.


NOTE: If the SPY is already trading much higher or lower in pre-market (grater than 5 handles from tonight close) , then I will CANCEL these orders and adjust the strikes at the same ranges they are now.


The FOMC announcement will hit the news wires at 11:00 AM PST


Initially, I am fishing up to 10 Strikes OTM from today’s close and will adjust to 5 at 9:00 AM and then 3-4 for the final hour of trading.


My MAX spend is always $0.15, and I prefer to get filled for $0.10 or less as the day moves forward.




I will not have time once trading starts to log and send out emails as/if I get filled, so you have to be diligent placing your own fishing orders according to the strategy.


Stick to the formula I showed you in the past couple emails and DO NOT bet the farm (especially on Wednesdays) and burn up capital. You can start this with fishing orders at $0.05 and let the magic of compounding take you to the land of 6-Figure profitability; increasing contract size ONLY with profits and watch your account grow in just a couple of months.


I am anticipating the SPY will either get slammed down to the next SGB zone by Friday at 392 or squeezed above the current one at 421 with an upside target at 433/34.



I will be watching the 433/34 CALLS for Friday expiration and buying in if they get down to $0.21 or lower as my wild card Lotto Trade.


I will be watching the 395 PUTS for Friday expiration and buying in if they get down to $0.21 or lower as my wild card Lotto Trade.


NOTE: If I am already ahead for the day with my morning and lunch trades, then if I get filled for $0.10 or less in the final hour of trading, I will hold them to the end and shoot for at least a 10X ROI before I start layering out and taking profits!!!!!!!


REMEMBER! You do not have to swing for fences with Super Spy-X on any single trade.


It does not take much time to get the compounding started so you can achieve some amazing results over a short timeline since we get 3 opportunities a week to catch these!


The spreadsheet projection below shows the potential this strategy can produce starting with (1) contract and getting a 200% ROI, and once you start compounding and layering your exits, catch some of the parabolic moves at the close I have shown you, the skies the limit!!$$!!




IMPORTANT: Use your spreadsheet to keep your compounding on track.


Be consistent at placing your fishing orders every Mon/Wed/Fri and disciplined at taking 200% profits until you can layer eixts so you can arrive in the land of 6-Figure profitability sooner than you think :-)



Profits UP!






    Monday, May 2, 2022 2:15 PM 

HI Super Spy-X Traders!


I am getting closer to finishing up the Super Spy-X Strategy training module and wanted to show you what happened today on both CALLS and PUTS!


I have traded well over 100 times with real money accounts to fine tune the entry points and here is what I have figured out.


The best opportunities are keeping your MAX spend at $0.15 and down with an initial target ROI at 200%; and once you start compounding, you can layer exits and get 10-40x a couple times a week.


Best days are Mon and Fri; however, Wed will get you 100%-200% most the time and if the FOMC is making announcements (and they are this Wednesday) then you can get some BIG moves Wed, Thu and Fri!!$$$!!.


Best time of day to lay orders is:


6:30 AM up to 10 handles OTM


9:00 AM PST up to 5 handles OTM


11:30 – 12:00 PM PST up to 3 handles OTM


Once you are compounding, you can layer strikes and entry prices so you have more opportunities to get filled and hook on to an end of day Moby Dick!!$$!!


I am anticipating this week will have a potential parabolic move by Friday, so I am going to start layering PUTS and CALLS up to 15 handles OTM with an initial MAX spend at $0.35 on tomorrow and then back to $0.15 the rest of the week.  


If you want to effectively trade the Super Spy-X strategy, then I highly recommend you trade at TD Ameritrade or Tasty Works because they have been letting me hold my trades all the way to 1:05 – 1:14 PM PST; HOWEVER, they can and will liquidate you at anytime if your options are ITM by 1:00 PM; and you do not have enough equity to pay for the potential assignment if you to NOT close your trade by end of day.


Yes, you could miss out on a lot of profits and/or have your trade busted and denied any ITM profits if you do NOT close the trade, so BE SURE to communicate with your Broker and let them know what you are attempting to do if you are taking on size.


Tastyworks has been pretty favorable with me on going to the end of trading, and in fact, they have an option on their website where you notify them you are “monitoring” your trades.











 TD Ameritrade does not have this option, but they have let me go all the way to 1:14 PM PST with ITM options; however, you cannot trust that they won’t liquidate you at any time if your options are ITM after 1:00 PM PST.


If you are at IB, Fidelity, Schwab, Robinhood etc. you better check; otherwise, you WILL get liquidated starting at 12:00 PM PST even if you are OTM at some of the Brokers.

Get ready to start making some serious money with Super Spy-X!!!!



















    Friday, April 29, 2022 12:07 PM 

Greetings SC Traders!

 What a wild week we have had with earnings releases and moves to make your mouth water or feel like cotton depending on what side of the trades you are on.

 Well, last weeks CALLS are looking like a bust for today’s expiration, but we still have Monday for the 100% ROI to come back; however, I am not that optimistic those will get there. Of course, having a losing week/trade is always a bummer, but we trade a proven strategy and there will always be some losers along the way to the land of 6-Figure profitability and the KEYS to this kingdom are sticking to the the compounding spreadsheet and being patient as time will produce enough winners to take care of any and all losing trades—once you are compounding, you can layer exits along the way and have enough capital to catch those parabolic moves that come from time to time 😉

 Ok, so what can we anticipate for the markets in the coming week? With most of the big earnings announcements out of the way, the markets will be focusing on the upcoming FOMC rate announcement on May 4th. There is going to be another one as promised, question is, will he stick to consistency or surprise with the unexpected?

 I would venture to say there will be NO big bets placed and markets will lag or continue to slide lower until Wednesday, so I am NOT going to buy anything today and will watch how markets trade Mon-Wed before I place new trades.  

If you want to speculate, then the upside strike will be 433 for the wild card CALLS and as for the SC strategy, the strike range is always no grater than 5 handles OTM and MAXIMUM spend of $3.00 or less, so that being said, I have NO new trades for CALLS or PUTS today.

 Have a great weekend!



    Friday, April 22, 2022 11:48 AM 

Greetings SC Traders!

 Markets have been on quit the roller coaster ride to the downside now that the Federal Reserve has confirmed they are on the HUNT for stopping inflation and raising interest rates 6 more times THIS YEAR…oh and they have backed off 95 Billion a month in QE too—not gonna have the markets back for the next several months means LOWER prices.

 HMMM- could that be why AMZN and GOOGL are splitting 20:1? Of course, because who do you think has been paying upwards of $3K per share?

 Yesterday, Fed chair Powell was at the IMF roundtable (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVsToALst_k)  talking about inflation, monetary policy and employment; which is definitely weighing on the markets and minds of investors today as we continue to slide lower.

 We are in earnings season again, and this week NFLX was whacked due to reporting its first decline in subscribers since 2019 taking the stock down over 35%.

 If you look at a monthly chart, you can see the stock was decimated back to those 2019 lows; wiping out BILLIONS in market cap and investor HODLers who are no doubt wondering WTF happened to all their wealth???


The likely stopping point is around $200, but if that fails, then the next potential bottom will most likely be the 200 MA on the monthly chart; which is quite a bit lower than where it trades at now…gag!


Bottom line, NFLX is losing its status as the streaming giant, and with the multitude of competitors, they will forever cut into NFLX’s share of the streaming pie; and that means this stock has seen its day; and will most likely languish for years to come…party is over!



The winner this week was TSLA, but it was a classic pop-n-drop and that became a GIANT SGB, so I expect this stock will see much lower prices too and I would not bet big on the long side until that SGB is taken out.


  Ok, so let’s talk about the SPY and Stimulus-Compounder!

 Have you been applying the formula for 2022? I know I have not been sending out the emails for a while due to a lot of turmoil in my personal life, but I am getting back on track and will be sending out emails and updating commentary on the website more often.

 I know that if you have been following the strategy since I created it, then you should be able to implement it whether I am posting or not; and if you look over the current Model Portfolio results year-to-date, then you can see how powerful this strategy has been performing!$$! For 2022 (review the full spreadsheet details on the website).

 For this weeks SC trades, I am looking for a bounce to begin next week, so I will be placing fishing orders for CALLS and PUTS since the IV is really pumped up on the PUTS making them quite expensive for even the OTM strikes.

 Looking over the SPY charts here is what I am interpreting:

 Daily –  SGB zone is down at 421 and the likely drop target on continued selling.



WEEKLY Chart – TTM Squeeze PRO indicator still in bearish momentum and with the FOMC backing off QE, raising interest rates the rest of the year, and bent on curbing inflation, you have to go with the trend and that will be continued slides lower, so my bias week-to-week will now be PUTS on bounces for the month of May.  



 MONTHLY Chart –  Now this one has the insight we need to pay attention to. The SPY has been on a solid 21-Month trajectory (Fibonacci) and has now broken that streak for 4 months. The age old meme is “sell in May and go away” and there is pretty much a certainty that is what will be happening this year. My T-Levels are quite accurate, so I am anticipating the SPY is going to test (at the minimum) T-2 which is around $400; which happens to also be a SGB zone on this chart. Also, the 21MA (blue line) is intersecting with that DOJI-SGB which was (ironically) in May of 2021—coincidence?...I think not!



Oh, and another issue that is weighing on the markets is the war in Ukraine; and if Russia will get even more aggressive in their assault; potentially dragging the US directly into the conflict. Typically, our markets respond with a bullish bias, but this time we could be in for a massive change of minds if this conflict keeps going. On the other hand, if there is a peace deal announced, we will see a massive rally, so I plan to keep some wild-card Lotto trades up to 15 handles OTM on the SPY.

 Here is this weeks trade ideas:


50%ROI -  APR 29, 2022 Expiration

FISH - 433 CALL - $3.00 or better GTC



100%ROI -  MAY 2, 2022 Expiration

FISH – 434 CALL - $3.00 or better GTC



 WILD CARD LOTTO TRADES: (100% Speculation) and I fully expect these to expire worthless, so ONLY buy these types of trades with PROFITS and not with trading capital.



Profits UP!


The don Franko



    Sunday, April 17, 2022 3:30 PM 


Greetings SC Traders!

I know it has been a while since I have posted/updated the website due to multiple issues including a death (my mother) in the family, COVID, having to move three times and other issues BUT I have pretty much normalized everything and planning to get back on track with the website and emails et al.

I am hoping you have been applying the Stimulus-Compounder formula this year without me as it has been quite a GOOD year so far with the 100% ROI PUTS being the biggest winner!

We have earnings season beginning this week and there should be some good Lotto Trade opportunities so be sure to get your orders in on your favorite stocks and lets see if we fan hook on to a couple Moby Dick trade$$$$$$.



    Sunday, January 9, 2022 2:45 PM 


Greetings SC Traders!

Here were my fills for this weeks trade ideas:

If you did not get filled on Friday, just place another order on Monday, but lower the price and/or strike since there will be some time decay over the weekend—many times over the past year, I noticed that you could get a much better position/price after I made my trades...lol. If the SPY is gapping open on Monday, DO NOT chase price/strikes because we have Chairman Powell testifying before Congress on Tuesday and that will most likely have the markets pull back before he starts speaking and you may get a much better entry point.



This year, I am sticking with the spreadsheet contract loads and placing my orders according to the SC formula every week. If you do not get/see my emails the days I make trades, be sure to do your own due diligence and apply the formula; because consistency is key with any strategy.

When we have a losing week (it is inevitable), do not chase contract loads on the next trade. In fact, I placed a new option on the spreadsheet (Contract Cut Rate) so you can make your own adjustments after a losing week; which will reduce initial draw down so you can keep moving down the road until the winners kick in.

Email me at: spreadsheet@optionradio.com to get the latest version.

If you miss out on a trade that went parabolic, NEVER give into FOMO...there is ALWAYS another one coming ;-).

The number one goal with this strategy is to compound your contract loads so you can layer exits and be in-it-to-win-it when the Moby Dick days come like last Monday!$$!




    Friday, January 7, 2022 11:28 AM 

Greetings SC Traders!

It is a new year with new opportunities for us to make some BIG gains in 2022 with the Stimulus-Compounder strategy!

I am still sticking with a “CALL” bias for now; however, until the SPY clearly bounces off the current SGB zones on the daily chart, my MAX spend will be $2.00 and MAX strike no further than 4 handles OTM.

 The FOMC minutes created a big scare-drop on Monday, and now we are closing the week in the SGB zone; which typically means you SHORT when trading stocks; however, I anticipate the market will be week until the FOMC announcement on is released on 1/26/2022. Also, Fed Chair Powell will testify before congress on 1/11/2022 which will most likely have some negative impact on the markets next week too.

 For this weeks trade idea, I am going to start the year with (1) contract at the MAX spend of $2.00; and will buy another (1) next week after Powell testifies if the SGB zones hold.

 Until the SPY takes out the all-time-high of 2021, then I am going to do Lotto Trade PUTS up to 8-Handles OTM when I can get them for $0.20 or less per contract.

 NOTE: I plan to use PROFITS from winning trades to buy the PUTS, but for the first month of this year, I will spend up to $500.00 while the SPY is hanging around these SGB zones.



Here are the trade ideas:


 FISH – Jan 14,2022 470 CALL - $2.00 or better GTC

 SELL order at $3.00 GTC

100% ROI

FISH – Jan 22,2022 471 CALL - $2.00 or better GTC

SELL order at $4.00 GTC 

 HEDGE Lotto Trade (optional)

 FISH – Jan 22, 2022 460 PUT - $0.20 or better DAY order.


 NOTE: If I do not get filled by the end of the day on the PUTS, I will adjust my contract load down and just buy in with a MAX spend of $100.00


I was filled on two of my orders as I as preparing this email:







This strategy has been producing consistent 200% ROI multiple times per week; and if you compound at that rate; you reach 6-Figures in a very short time if we can keep the consistencey.


Of course I do not expect to win 10 trades in a row, but you can see how this can ramp up profits rapidly as we utilize the spreadsheet to compound.




This strategy is “day trading” aggressive speculation and I am starting with a “CASH” account and funding it with $1,000.00 and I anticipate I will reach the PDT $25k account in a month or two so I can get more aggressive with layering and accelerate the ProfitsUP!


When the SPY moves parabolic here is what can happen:


(Monday 1-3-2022)



The BEST part about this strategy is you can literally start with $35.00 or LESS, and once you start building profits and begin layering, your arrival in the land of 6-Figure profitability will be faster and FASTER!!!


I will setting up a members only YouTube channel where I will be trading a “LIVE” real money model portfolio for a separate subscription—be sure to email me if you want to be included in the launch.




Profits UP!


The don Franko




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