Trading College
A month in the life of a call
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Session 1 – Did you know There are many places on the internet to get options information, advice, suggested plays and a whole lot of sizzle, but hey...where's the steak? So many people come into the options trading world with visions of grandeur, rose colored glasses, reckless abandon and downright dumb luck. They throw their money into an arena that is the most competitive place on the planet; with some of the most talented people who happen to have front side information, robots, proprietary trading tools and tactics; and then comes along the new/novice traders who expect to extract profits from that very market place? Pulease! You, the unsuspecting novice trader, are up against ridiculous odds and odds makers (market makers) who have the decided edge over you in the short run; and you must rely on luck first, then skill, if you hope to make a consistent profit at this game. For years I was elated and then crushed emotionally as I navigated through this literal field of financial land-mines called options trading. Sure, I took some training courses, then took some more and more, but these "gurus" I entrusted my hopes and dreams on, gave me knowledge that all too often proved useless in the real world of trading. In fact, I found their training more on the level with information peddlers selling convoluted knowledge vs. real experience; and more importantly, the lack of actual proof of consistent profits using their knowledge. With that said, I have decided to do some real homework for you and give you a very good dose of reality in the ups and downs of an option trade—a "real life" experience! For the next full option trading month, I will post the daily opening and closing prices of four option prices: ITM, ATM, OTM and DOTM. We will watch how these option prices are affected by the stock’s movements throughout the month. I will also add comments as we go along helping you understand what is going on. I know this will open your eyes in a way you may have not seen before and bring home the need for you to really consider buying ONLY options that are ITM for short-term day/swing trades. I am
going to pick a very hot and volatile stock as our example. Now if you currently
trade in the financial markets, then you know the hottest stock as of this
writing is GOOGLE (GOOG). This stock will check your gut tolerance and then
some. As we progress, you will get to see how the option prices react to
earnings runs and more importantly, how it behaves after earnings are
released.... this is going to be fun! |
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Session 2
Have you ever wondered how a front-month call option reacts to the day-to-day changes in the price of the underlying stock? I would venture to say you, like most options traders, have never followed the life of an option for an entire month. Most of the time we are playing a guessing game and gambling for a big score only hoping we made a correct choice before our option expires worthless.
Did you know it's been said that 90% of all option contracts purchased expire worthless? That's because people speculate rather than educate when it comes to options trading. They swing for the fence hoping for that grand slam return only to get s serious dose of indigestion as they lose their money time and time again. Even when they do make a profitable trade, they end up getting way to cocky and take even bigger risks on DOTM plays or even worse, do not take a sure profit before expiration only to see a profit get wiped out and their money lost on expiration day. I know it sounds ridiculous, but believe me, I have seen it happen and have personally experienced that pain myself. Buying DOTM options is gambling with Vegas style odds. Sure, you can take those kinds of risks, but only after you understand how to pick them; and then only with profits from properly executed safe trades. (see lotto plays)
I get asked multiple questions all the time like:
How does an option price change?
What makes it change so much?
When would I know it's a good time to take a profit or cut a loss?
In my other training modules, I have often referred to the GREEKS, commonly called: Delta, Theta, Vega, Gamma, RHO. Each of the Greeks play a pivotal role in the life of an options price movement, but you need a master’s degree in abstract mathematics to figure them out on the fly. In fact, it takes a very sophisticated calculator to work out the probabilities of future prices in an options life; however, that can be changed in a split second by unforeseen market forces...and greedy market makers!
So, my trading enthusiasts, I am going to keep track (for educational amusement) of the life of four call options, for the entire front month, from one expiration day to the next. I am going to pick a beloved stock (GOOG) that has a ton of volatility (Vega) and show you just how much time decay (Theta) can affect your profits and or losses...especially on DOTM option plays. What you will find even more amazing is how much the price of the option will fluctuate (Delta) based on how much sun it gets...better known as "Gamma" radiation...lol—You know, I hear tell that if your get enough Gamma Radiation you could turn into a very big green guy ;-O.
The most popular GREEK that traders hear about is called the Delta. The Delta is the underlying rate of change in the option price relative to the change in the price of a stock. Here is what a typical Delta value looks like:
AAPL at $396.53
A typical Delta value for two strikes ITM option would be .70; and for ATM would be .50–0.60 and two strikes OTM would be .30–.40 and DOTM would be .10–.25. So, for every dollar a stock moves, your corresponding option would change in price based on the Delta; however it's influenced by all the other Greeks, and if you ask me, sometimes the price gets whacked around beyond the true Delta value my market makers—kind of reminds me of a story with a Trojan Horse involved. Oh, there is one more Greek you need to look at which is called RHO. This Greek is more like a horse race in that Rho is the change of the options price given a one percentage point change in the risk-free interest rate. HA! There is certainly no "risk-free" opportunity when it comes to options trading—and that is what makes it so much fun...that is, if you are on the right side of the trade ;-) Bottom line, if you want a lot less stress when buying options (especially weekly options) just buy a Delta of .70 and you will have more winning trades! Ok, on with the meat of this lesson. Google has been one of the hottest stocks over the past two years. It has very wide swings in price movement and reacts wildly to negative news, as well as positive news. The stock is extremely expensive, so millions of small investors use options to try and get their piece of this pie. What many/most of those investors do not realize is how dangerous trading a stock like Google with short-term options can be. As you continue, I am going to show you the wild price swings of this stock as it approaches an earnings release and how the option prices behave after earnings. This will give you a benchmark of actual experience to reflect upon, learn from and profit from to help you understand how to trade options in the future! Typically, GOOG likes to announce earnings the day before expiration; however, this quarter (Jan 2008), they are announcing in the middle of an expiration cycle, so it's going to be interesting to see what they say and what happens next. I hope you learn valuable insight and save/make thousands of dollars from this great example!
Session 3
We are going to pick four options to watch. I want you to see the swings in different options prices:
ITM (safest)
ATM (most expensive)
OTM (gambling)
DOTM (deep out of the money – Lottery plays)
Here are all the results for quick viewing but be sure to look below for commentary and charts to show what really happened.
Below is the daily breakdown of these options:
Notice the open interest as we start this process. As you can clearly see, the DOTM calls have a substantially higher number of contracts. Why? Because most traders are misinformed on the volatility of options from day-to-day and even worse, they are gamblers looking for that really big score. Sure, you can get one, but NEVER place all your trading eggs in that basket because it has plenty of holes in it! As we progress over the next four weeks, we will see how the open interest changes.
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 21st, 2008 Close
The markets were closed today for Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. |
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 22nd , 2008 Close
Option Quotes:
WOW! We could not get a better market to show the power of volatility than this one. Today, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by a whopping .75 basis points. This sent the markets into a tail spin opening nearly 500 points down before rebounding nearly all of it on massive short covering and bargain hunting. Will this be the bottom for 2008? That remains to be seen. After the bell Apple announced earnings and made a hefty profit but investors took it to the woodshed and spanked the crap out of the stock in after hours trading. I am sure this favorite will spring back as time marches on. The Apple news caused Google to slip lower in after hours trading. |
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 23rd , 2008 Close
Option Quotes:
Another day of deluge as Google gets decimated in early market trading. Once the bottom was put in place in the overall markets, Google and others had quite a snapback rally erasing most of the losses on the day but the stock is still down a hefty amount of points heading into earnings. As you can see from the wide price swings in these calls options, you have to have an iron stomach if you trade Google.
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 24th , 2008 Close
After yesterday's roller coaster ride, Google showed some love and moved back over the 200 day moving average. This is a key support area for any stock, especially a heavy weight like Google. As earnings approach next week on the 31st, many investors are starting to place their bets. Notice the open interest on the DOTM 700 calls has more than doubled since we started.
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 25th , 2008 Close
=================================================================================== What a week of volatility we had and what an awesome example of how options can swing wildly on a stock like Google! As you can see, if you were a call buyer last week, you certainly were stopped out by Monday and if you did not have a stop in place, you can see your climb back to a break even is not looking good at this point. With earnings coming next week and the markets coming off a serious gyration, you just might get lucky if Google surprises. Now if you had puts you would be a very happy camper this week! Recent news:
=================================================================================== Week of 1/28/08 - 2/1/08 - Earnings Release on 1/31/08 after the close =================================================================================== |
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 28th , 2008 Close
Not much action today but showing no love going into earnings this week. Volume was light and in after hours it traded down which does not bode well for call players at the moment. |
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 29th , 2008 Close
Another boring day of slippage to the downside. With earning just two days away, investors are only waiting to see. In after hours rival Yahoo disappointed and dropped $2.12 or 10%! Wow, if Google misses a 10% correction is $54.00 which would make the puts a home run play! Google did drop $6.19 on the news so things could get really exciting over the next two days.
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 30th , 2008 Close
Tomorrow is the big day as Google will announce earnings results after the close. With the Fed lowering rates by .500%, Google put on a little rally but still closed the day down. Investors are extremely nervous and if this stock does not come out with spectacular results the puts are going to have a HUGE party!
Google Inc (GOOG)Jan 31st , 2008 Close
=================================================================================== Google announced earnings and missed analysts expectations. The stock was rocking during the day then plummeted nearly $60 bucks into the close and after earnings were announced. Tomorrow will be pivotal for the next few months as the stock finds bargain hunters or it continues the wholesale slaughter in its share price. Should the stock drop, the puts will BANK and we still have two weeks to expiration!
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 1st , 2008 Close
Google never recovered from yesterdays post earnings plunge and take a look at the total devastation of the calls. A clear object lesson why you should NEVER hold over earnings announcement one sided.
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 4th , 2008 Close
==================================================================================== The deluge keeps coming. Microsoftie flexes some muscle and puts in a bid for Yahoo. With their megabucks, Google can now face some tough competition in the future, and a high flying stocks price is solely based on future earnings power. The puts are BANKING now but will we get a bargain hunting reversal starting tomorrow? |
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 5th , 2008 Close
Coming back to life on a big Dow down day? Hmm, could be a buying opportunity of just some profit taking stepping in on the put side.
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 6th , 2008 Close
sellers step back in as more selling pressure hits the markets. The big loser today was the CME which dropped over $100 bucks today! WOW - The DOTM puts banked today!
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 7th , 2008 Close
Bouncing around at the $500 support area but with very little conviction. Notice the large swings in the opitons prices intra-day. As I said in my commentary, you have to have an iron stomach when you play options, even if they are in the money.
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 8th , 2008 Close
Google moved on up today as the $500 support areas continues to hold ground. The stock closed near the highs of the day which could be a good thing heading into option expiration next week. Notice how all our call options are worthless and will most likely expire worthless.
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 11th , 2008 Close
Nothing going on today. It's shaping up to be a very boring expiration week but anything can happen so time will tell as we watch the action develop.
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 12th , 2008 Close
Slipping into expiration and these calls will be expiring worthless.
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 13th , 2008 Close
A nice relief rally in the markets lifted Google but it's not going to be enough to even bring the 580 calls back to life.
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 14th , 2008 Close
==================================================================================== No follow through on the day which says this party is OVER for expiration tomorrow.
Google Inc (GOOG)Feb 15th , 2008 Close OPTION EXPIRATION DAY
As predicted, all of the call options expired worthless! Notice the massive amount of open interest in each of them. That is the dumb money hoping Google would pull a miracle out of the hat and somehow rally back to profitability!
Profits Up!
Frank The donFranko
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